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 booster dose 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 激发[剂]量

    booster dose
    [ noun ]
    an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective

    Booster \Boost"er\ (b[=oo]st"[~e]r), n.
    1. (Elec.) An instrument for regulating the electro-motive
    force in an alternating-current circuit; -- so called
    because used to ``boost'', or raise, the pressure in the
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. an enthusiastic supporter.

    3. the first stage of a multistage rocket, providing all or
    part of the driving force at lift-off and until the second
    stage ignites, whether or not the booster stage is
    detached after the fuel is spent. Also called {booster
    rocket}. In some cases, a booster has been used to assist
    the takeoff of airplanes.

    4. (Med.) an immunizing medication given after an initial
    immunizing treatment, to provide increased or extended
    immunity. Also called {booster dose}. When in the form of
    an injection, it may be called a {booster shot}.

    5. any auxiliary device or part of a device to provide
    increased power, force, or effectiveness, as with a
    pumping device.

    6. (Mil.) an explosive charge which is more powerful than a
    primer, used in conjunction with a primer to assure
    detonation of the main charge. Integrated blasting caps
    containing separate compartments for primer and booster
    are used as detonators for certain explosives.

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