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 blowpipe analysis 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 吹管分析

    Blowpipe \Blow"pipe`\, n.
    1. A tube for directing a jet of air into a fire or into the
    flame of a lamp or candle, so as to concentrate the heat
    on some object.

    Note: It is called a mouth blowpipe when used with the mouth;
    but for both chemical and industrial purposes, it is
    often worked by a bellows or other contrivance. The
    common {mouth blowpipe} is a tapering tube with a very
    small orifice at the end to be inserted in the flame.
    The {oxyhydrogen blowpipe}, invented by Dr. Hare in
    1801, is an instrument in which oxygen and hydrogen,
    taken from separate reservoirs, in the proportions of
    two volumes of hydrogen to one of oxygen, are burned in
    a jet, under pressure. It gives a heat that will
    consume the diamond, fuse platinum, and dissipate in
    vapor, or in gaseous forms, most known substances.

    2. A blowgun; a blowtube.

    {Blowpipe analysis} (Chem.), analysis by means of the

    {Blowpipe reaction} (Chem.), the characteristic behavior of a
    substance subjected to a test by means of the blowpipe.

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