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 blowing ['bloɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I did all the top jobs.
  2. A gust of chilly autumn wind is blowing from the north.
  3. The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard.

[ noun ]
processing that involves blowing a gas

Blow \Blow\ (bl[=o]), v. i. [imp. {Blew} (bl[=u]); p. p. {Blown}
(bl[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blowing}.] [OE. blowen, AS.
bl[=o]wan to blossom; akin to OS. bl[=o]jan, D. bloeijen,
OHG. pluojan, MHG. bl["u]ejen, G. bl["u]hen, L. florere to
flourish, OIr. blath blossom. Cf. {Blow} to puff,
To flower; to blossom; to bloom.

How blows the citron grove. --Milton.

Blow \Blow\, v. i. [imp. {Blew} (bl[=u]); p. p. {Blown}
(bl[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blowing}.] [OE. blawen, blowen,
AS. bl[=a]wan to blow, as wind; akin to OHG. pl[=a]jan, G.
bl["a]hen, to blow up, swell, L. flare to blow, Gr.
'ekflai`nein to spout out, and to E. bladder, blast, inflate,
etc., and perh. blow to bloom.]
1. To produce a current of air; to move, as air, esp. to move
rapidly or with power; as, the wind blows.

Hark how it rains and blows ! --Walton.

2. To send forth a forcible current of air, as from the mouth
or from a pair of bellows.

3. To breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.

Here is Mistress Page at the door, sweating and
blowing. --Shak.

4. To sound on being blown into, as a trumpet.

There let the pealing organ blow. --Milton.

5. To spout water, etc., from the blowholes, as a whale.

6. To be carried or moved by the wind; as, the dust blows in
from the street.

The grass blows from their graves to thy own. --M.

7. To talk loudly; to boast; to storm. [Colloq.]

You blow behind my back, but dare not say anything
to my face. --Bartlett.

8. To stop functioning due to a failure in an electrical
circuit, especially on which breaks the circuit; sometimes
used with out; -- used of light bulbs, electronic
components, fuses; as, the dome light in the car blew out.

9. To deflate by sudden loss of air; usually used with out;
-- of inflatable tires.

{To blow hot and cold} (a saying derived from a fable of
[AE]sop's), to favor a thing at one time and treat it
coldly at another; or to appear both to favor and to

{To blow off}, to let steam escape through a passage provided
for the purpose; as, the engine or steamer is blowing off.

{To blow out}.
(a) To be driven out by the expansive force of a gas or
vapor; as, a steam cock or valve sometimes blows out.
(b) To talk violently or abusively. [Low]

{To blow over}, to pass away without effect; to cease, or be
dissipated; as, the storm and the clouds have blown over.

{To blow up}, to be torn to pieces and thrown into the air as
by an explosion of powder or gas or the expansive force of
steam; to burst; to explode; as, a powder mill or steam
boiler blows up. ``The enemy's magazines blew up.''

blowing \blowing\ n.
1. processing that involves blowing a gas.
[WordNet 1.5]

blowing \blowing\ adj. prenom.
1. windy.

Syn: blustering(prenominal), blusterous, blustery, gusty.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Snow plows could not keep up with blowing, drifting snow in many areas.
  2. Even as this wind of reform seems to be blowing across the Hill, business as usual can be found in some shielded corners.
  3. More than a half dozen tornadoes accompanying the hurricane hit the Brownsville area today in advance of the center of the storm, blowing over at least two homes and injuring one person, a boy who suffered a minor head wound.
  4. "The captain feels that he had what is called a compressor stall," said another Delta spokesman, Bill Berry. "There was a crosswind blowing across the runway.
  5. Make no mistake, a new breeze is blowing across the steppes and cities of the Soviet Union.
  6. Mr. Barton, who claims he was harrassed, threatened and ultimately fired for blowing the whistle on McDonnell Douglas management, also turned over to the Government Operations panel handwritten notes of meetings he attended with company executives.
  7. "I felt the engines losing power and noises like tires blowing out on takeoff," said Lewis, who suffered only a bruise on her leg. "The fuselage filled with smoke and there was a lot of noise.
  8. The National Weather Service forecast wind blowing up to 40 mph, but temperatures were expected to be somewhat cooler, with possible showers in scattered areas of Montana, which is suffering through a severe drought.
  9. Students, it says, are "blowing off" an abundant number of jobs paying $3.55 or $3.65 an hour and searching for better-paying positions.
  10. But I'm sure there are going to be people out there in those cars." Authorities said the near-zero visibility in the blowing snow, along with high drifts, made it impossible for rescue vehicles to go out.
  11. Jim Meyer is a weatherman, but don't ask him which way the wind is blowing.
  12. 'How would you feel walking down that causeway at quarter to six in the morning and there's an easterly wind blowing?
  13. Winds gusted to 62 mph with blowing dust around Cody, Wyo., and high winds were also reported in the northern Rockies, Montana and parts of the Nebraska panhandle.
  14. Southwest winds over the Central Plains blew up to 43 mph at Russell, Kan., Thursday morning with visibilities briefly as low as 4 miles in blowing dust.
  15. At least two tornadoes touched down in southeastern Missouri, ripping roofs off farm buildings and blowing over a mobile home, authorities said.
  16. The Bushes, accompanied by their children and grandchildren, put in a brief appearance midway in the event, with the president blowing a whistle to start the kids off trying to roll eggs along the lawn with plastic spoons.
  17. According to police, Richards originated the plot known as Pendragon, which involved blowing up bridges and taking control of Marin County and seceding from the United States.
  18. Strong winds were expected to cause blowing, drifing snow in mountain passes.
  19. "Even if the United States does not want war _ and that's not something we're certain of _ any unexpected move could lead to the whole thing blowing up," he said.
  20. An advisory for snow and blowing snow was in effect Saturday night for the northern mountains of Wyoming and the central mountains of Colorado.
  21. Harper's, the US monthly, quotes NASA as this year alone losing or blowing up equipment worth Dollars 567m.
  22. "The question is whether Asian-Americans want the same thing." The success or failure of Megachine, Mr. Ries says, "would be a weathervane to see which way the wind is blowing." And so Patrick Chu and Loiminchay are firing away.
  23. DuPont and other companies have rushed work on substitutes in recent years, and the company already has announced alternative products for plastic foam blowing agents and cleaning solvents for electronics parts.
  24. A winter storm warning was posted for extreme northwest and north central sections of upper Michigan for more snow and blowing snow.
  25. International Court of Justice in The Hague holds hearings in Libya's case against Britain and the US concerning the dispute over their demand for extradition of Libyans charged with blowing up a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie in 1988.
  26. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says it's working on a way to find out how much soil is blowing in the wind.
  27. "The wind was blowing so hard.
  28. "It's blowing 45 or 50 miles an hour," said Fred Kitts, of the Mercer County Sheriff's Department in Princeton. "We've had trees fall on houses, cars, trailers.
  29. The allusion is to a Woody Allen movie that shows a cello teacher saying that some students have no concept of the instrument, followed by a shot of someone holding a cello up to his mouth and blowing into it.
  30. The 1985 Japan Air Lines crash was attributed to a crack in the rear cabin wall opened, sending a rush of pressurized air into the tail section, blowing the tail apart and severing hydraulic lines used to control the aircraft.
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