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 bliss [blis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 福佑, 天赐的福

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  1. Tom was swimming in bliss.
  2. Innocence is bliss.
  3. Our life was unadulterated bliss.

[ noun ]
a state of extreme happiness

Bliss \Bliss\ (bl[i^]s), n.; pl. {Blisses} (bl[i^]s"[e^]z). [OE.
blis, blisse, AS. blis, bl[=i][eth]s, fr. bl[=i][eth]e
blithe. See {Blithe}.]
Orig., blithesomeness; gladness; now, the highest degree of
happiness; blessedness; exalted felicity; heavenly joy.

An then at last our bliss
Full and perfect is. --Milton.

Syn: Blessedness; felicity; beatitude; happiness; joy;
enjoyment. See {Happiness}.

  1. Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Social Democratic party leader, and Lone Dybkjaer, a leading light in the Radical Liberal party, have been living in unmarried bliss for the past two years.
  2. Carey excels at the kind of vocal gymnastics that are so popular among today's soul-pop warblers; have these vocalists turned the bliss and fervor felt and expressed by gospel singers into calculated performance?
  3. With the Victorians, their innocent heroines were sentimentalised - Dickens said perfect bliss would be to marry Little Red Riding Hood.
  4. Surrounded by scattered body parts, otherworldly bliss illuminating their faces, the two remaining saints look ready to vault into the heavens.
  5. Getting post cards from many A vacationing friend, I can view scenic vistas And bliss without end.
  6. Other problems cited as interfering with marital bliss included communication problems, a lack of emotional responsiveness and opposition to a spouse's independence.
  7. And because your flashlight only allows you to see one thing at a time, you quickly forget about your much-maligned larger friends who might be sharing your bliss nearby, where the flashlight isn't pointing.
  8. But, sometimes, their bliss is ignorance, experts contend.
  9. Five years later she died, penniless and forgotten. The actress was Dora Jordan and her common-law husband was the future King William IV, with whom she lived in domestic bliss for 21 years.
  10. She sees good food as essential for marital bliss.
  11. Campbell's credo that you should "follow your bliss" _ ignore convention to find ways to be happy _ drew converts.
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