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 blank line 添加此单词到默认生词本

[计] 空行

  1. You should put a blank line between each group of imports.
  2. HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a heading.
    HTML 会给标题上下自动加上额外的空行。
  3. HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a paragraph.
    HTML 会给段落上下加上额外的空行。

Blank \Blank\, a. [OE. blank, blonc, blaunc, blaunche, fr. F.
blanc, fem. blanche, fr. OHG. blanch shining, bright, white,
G. blank; akin to E. blink, cf. also AS. blanc white. ?98.
See {Blink}, and cf. 1st {Blanch}.]
1. Of a white or pale color; without color.

To the blank moon
Her office they prescribed. --Milton.

2. Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty
space to be filled in with some special writing; -- said
of checks, official documents, etc.; as, blank paper; a
blank check; a blank ballot.

3. Utterly confounded or discomfited.

Adam . . . astonied stood, and blank. --Milton.

4. Empty; void; without result; fruitless; as, a blank space;
a blank day.

5. Lacking characteristics which give variety; as, a blank
desert; a blank wall; destitute of interests, affections,
hopes, etc.; as, to live a blank existence; destitute of
sensations; as, blank unconsciousness.

6. Lacking animation and intelligence, or their associated
characteristics, as expression of face, look, etc.;
expressionless; vacant. ``Blank and horror-stricken
faces.'' --C. Kingsley.

The blank . . . glance of a half returned
consciousness. --G. Eliot.

7. Absolute; downright; unmixed; as, blank terror.

{Blank bar} (Law), a plea put in to oblige the plaintiff in
an action of trespass to assign the certain place where
the trespass was committed; -- called also {common bar}.

{Blank cartridge}, a cartridge containing no ball.

{Blank deed}. See {Deed}.

{Blank door}, or {Blank window} (Arch.), a depression in a
wall of the size of a door or window, either for
symmetrical effect, or for the more convenient insertion
of a door or window at a future time, should it be needed.

{Blank indorsement} (Law), an indorsement which omits the
name of the person in whose favor it is made; it is
usually made by simply writing the name of the indorser on
the back of the bill.

{Blank line} (Print.), a vacant space of the breadth of a
line, on a printed page; a line of quadrats.

{Blank tire} (Mech.), a tire without a flange.

{Blank tooling}. See {Blind tooling}, under {Blind}.

{Blank verse}. See under {Verse}.

{Blank wall}, a wall in which there is no opening; a dead

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