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 bitter spar 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 白云石

    bitter spar
    [ noun ]
    a light colored mineral consisting of calcium magnesium carbonate; a source of magnesium; used as a ceramic and as fertilizer

    Bitter spar \Bit"ter spar"\
    A common name of dolomite; -- so called because it contains
    magnesia, the soluble salts of which are bitter. See

    dolomite \dol"o*mite\ (d[o^]l"[-o]*m[imac]t), n. [After the
    French geologist Dolomieu.] (Geol. & Min.)
    A mineral consisting of the carbonate of lime and magnesia in
    varying proportions. It occurs in distinct crystals, and in
    extensive beds as a compact limestone, often crystalline
    granular, either white or clouded. It includes much of the
    common white marble. Also called {bitter spar}.

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