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 biology [baɪ'ɑlədʒɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 生物学

[化] 生物; 生物学

[医] 生物学

  1. We have a biology lesson tomorrow.
  2. He worked hard at his biology.
  3. He specializes biology.

[ noun ]
  1. the science that studies living organisms

  2. <noun.cognition>
  3. characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms

  4. <noun.phenomenon>
    the biology of viruses
  5. all the plant and animal life of a particular region

  6. <noun.group>

Biology \Bi*ol"o*gy\, n. [Gr. bi`os life + -logy: cf. F.
The science of life; that branch of knowledge which treats of
living matter as distinct from matter which is not living;
the study of living tissue. It has to do with the origin,
structure, development, function, and distribution of animals
and plants.

  1. Earlier in the day, unidentified terrorists killed a night watchman and set off three bombs, destroying the interior of the biology lab building at the National University, an official at the institution said.
  2. While some may dismiss the oyster as nothing more than a delicacy, Ray, who has a doctorate in biology, says oyster beds are significant in an estuary's ecosystem.
  3. Along with furthering our understanding of biology, artificial life techniques could bring revolutionary advances in medicine, engineering and computer science.
  4. If nothing else, it's a lesson in Economics 101: University of Texas junior Chuck Falgout invested $21 in lecture notes and turned a possible F into a B in biology.
  5. 'It appears to be a natural consequence of becoming older - as inevitable as night following day,' says Mike Wyllie, director of discovery biology at Pfizer Research. 'We know that DHT is a stimulus to growth.
  6. Vietnam veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder were less sensitive to pain after seeing scenes from a war movie, according to a study which gives a glimpse into the complex biology of the disorder.
  7. 'We're doing the chemistry, Syntex the biology,' says Walter Moos, vice-president of Chiron Technologies.
  8. Research at the biotechnology laboratory would focus on nervous system biology, growth hormones to boost livestock production and help underdeveloped humans, and genetic engineering to make crops resist pests, salt and drought, Ivanov said.
  9. He studied biology at Hampshire College, then went to Yale's School of Epidemiology and Public Health.
  10. About 25 high school students and a teacher are being tested for AIDS after a 16-year-old jabbed them with a surgical instrument taken from a biology classroom, the principal said Thursday.
  11. One theory is that the dolphins may have suffered from a virus that affected their immune systems, said Jacqueline Lane, a biology instructor at Pensacola Junior College.
  12. A high percentage of high school biology teachers profess superstitious beliefs and about one in four think some races of people are inherently more intelligent than others, according to a survey.
  13. Jackson _ who has a bachelor's degree in biology, a master's degree in botany and a doctorate in genetics _ has been a teacher and lecturer for nearly three decades.
  14. Shen, a 20-year-old Beijing University biology student, escaped from China while on the government's "most wanted" list.
  15. Yale's faculty in biology, geology and geophysics, forestry and environmental studies will provide the institute's core academic resources, the school said.
  16. The seven-year-old International Biotechnologies, with annual sales of about $7 million, serves the molecular biology market.
  17. The two countries have cooperated on several projects in recent years, including scientific exchanges, meetings and joint studies in forest genetics and biology.
  18. Also on Friday, unidentified terrorists blew up a biology laboratory at National University in San Salvador and shot to death a night watchman, a school official said.
  19. Formed less than two years ago, the center's faculty is drawn from various academic disciplines, including the departments of chemical engineering, biology and electrical engineering.
  20. "I got through and I gave him the right answer," Theobald, a 21-year-old biology student at William and Mary College in Virginia, said Monday.
  21. For the biology lab he will teach next year, associate professor Don Naber plans to give ITV students fetal pig specimens that they can dissect at home while watching a video demonstration.
  22. Increasingly, mental-health practitioners believe that depression is a complex of biology and psychology.
  23. The center's students and scholars come from a wide variety of departments and one-fourth of the university's graduating seniors now earn degrees in such programs as human biology, international relations and public policy.
  24. In an analysis of the U.S. results, the report said: "The achievement of advanced science students in biology, chemistry and physics is low.
  25. "It's an interesting new approach to a very important problem in modern molecular biology," said Lee Hood, professor of biology at California Institute of Technology.
  26. "It's an interesting new approach to a very important problem in modern molecular biology," said Lee Hood, professor of biology at California Institute of Technology.
  27. In St. Cloud, biology teacher Randall Hedtke says his intent isn't to promote religion at all.
  28. He said he will return to the Stanford faculty and teach biology.
  29. He said the natural gas in the biology lab had been turned on, but firefighters shut it off before it ignited.
  30. Books written to not offend adults, teachers who are poorly trained and a curriculum that "seems designed to snuff out interest" are all crippling biology education in America, a National Academy of Sciences panel said in a study released today.
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