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 billy ['bɪlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 警棍, 伙伴

  1. Billy, are you up?
    比利, 起床了没有?
  2. Everybody else thought Billy had broken the window, but Tom went to bat for him.
  3. "I threw a stone at him, " Billy answered, "and he quickly moved down."

[ noun ]
  1. a short stout club used primarily by policemen

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. male goat

  4. <noun.animal>

Billy \Bil"ly\, n.
1. A club; esp., a policeman's club. Also called {billy club}
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. (Wool Manuf.) A slubbing or roving machine.

  1. Whether Railtrack can emulate them, or ends up a mere puffing billy, remains unclear. In theory, Railtrack should prove the former.
  2. Police used tear gas and billy clubs trying in vain to divert the demonstrators from the mixed residential and business area around the embassy.
  3. Police with billy clubs beat and detained several people accused of trying to loot stores in Caxias, on the northern outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
  4. Police used riot shields and clubs to disperse the crowds, and several people were seen struck by policemen wielding billy clubs.
  5. Radio Inter and Radio Antilles, independent stations, said police struck protesters with billy clubs, injuring several.
  6. Lewis said the billy goat escaped and mingled with the nannies for two weeks late last summer while repairs were being made to a nearby pond.
  7. Hours before the speech, a black construction worker was beaten with bats and billy clubs by as many as five white men in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn.
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