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 benefits 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 利益

  1. A detachable part, as of a ticket or advertisement, that entitles the bearer to certain benefits, such as a cash refund or a gift.
  2. Something from which benefits may be extracted.

  1. It grew in size as the tax-writing committees tacked on amendments extending some expiring provisions and granting tax benefits for selected groups.
  2. We would like to do more, but it would be wrong to rely on government funding alone. The industry, which stands to reap the direct financial benefits, must also play an active role.
  3. Our unemployment benefits show what a caring society we have and mark us out from the poor.
  4. "The benefits of the EC single market will be amplified by economic and monetary union and a single currency," Christophersen said.
  5. The sharpest impact could come in Britain, where women get full retirement benefits at age 60 while men must wait until 65. Pension plans in Belgium, Greece and Portugal also may have to be rewritten.
  6. The lawsuit alleges that Cambridge Capital forced the 67-year-old Mr. Webster into retirement without promised benefits and asks for $30 million in compensatory and punitive damages.
  7. In 1987, we estimate paying $60 million in hospital benefits for AIDS victims.
  8. "The point is, she received benefits as a basis of being married to this man," said Berion Mouton, Social Security assistant district manager.
  9. Bonn fringe benefits are already kept under relatively tight control.
  10. Retirement benefits would have been increased across the board in the revised offer, while other benefits would remain the same as in the previous offer.
  11. Retirement benefits would have been increased across the board in the revised offer, while other benefits would remain the same as in the previous offer.
  12. An omnibus veterans bill that included the cost-of-living increase died in the last Congress because of a dispute over benefits for Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange.
  13. After an eight-week trial, a jury earlier this month awarded former Ashland Oil vice presidents Bill E. McKay $14.4 million and Harry Williams $7.7 million in lost earnings and benefits.
  14. Instead he advocates replacing Social Security with a means-test system that would reduce or deny benefits to the elderly with higher incomes.
  15. The local is seeking enhanced pension benefits and retirement, including full benefits, at 55 years of age.
  16. The local is seeking enhanced pension benefits and retirement, including full benefits, at 55 years of age.
  17. For the first time the federal government would require all states to pay cash benefits to two-parent welfare families.
  18. At the short end the two-year note was unchanged at 100 1/16 , to yield 3.825 per cent. The news overnight of intense fighting in Moscow, set the scene for early gains in Treasuries. Yet any benefits for the Treasury market yesterday were short-lived.
  19. 'With benefits, we enter a kind of crystal maze of traps, tapers, withdrawals and disregards,' says Mr Davies.
  20. Federally mandated improvements in benefits account for very little of the increase, they said.
  21. Included among them were Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, who was insisting on votes on proposals to toughen sentences for drug offenders convicted of dealing with children, and to deny many federal benefits to some people found guilty of drug sales.
  22. He also received $20,000 in deferred compensation and $2,785 in pension benefits from the state.
  23. A proposal in May mooted by the finance ministry for a reduction in benefits was met with an instant denial by Chancellor Kohl.
  24. Teachers said advertising is a small price to pay for the benefits of getting a quality magazine free.
  25. The scheme, under which employees contribute 6 per cent of their salaries, pays benefits based on a percentage of final salary and guarantees annual increases in line with inflation.
  26. The economic benefits for the area near Waxahachie will include not only the lucrative construction funds but also an expected research budget of about $270 million annually and 3,500 permanent jobs.
  27. The Supreme Court will take up important cases on corporate taxes, product liability, employee benefits and antitrust.
  28. The coalition, facing parliamentary elections next March, decided not to propose a reduction in jobless benefits and the ending of tax deductibility of union dues.
  29. The agency went over budget this year, Patrick said, because of federally mandated increases in salaries and benefits.
  30. We are learning the hard way the political and economic limits to what modern society can and will support by way of benefits; and at the same time that a significant degree of unemployment may be endemic.
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