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 beneath [bi'ni:θ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
prep. 在...下方

ad. 在...下方

  1. The ship sank beneath the waves.
  2. Such behaviour is beneath contempt.
  3. We looked down from the plane at the fields spread out beneath.

[ adv ]
in or to a place that is lower

Beneath \Be*neath"\, prep. [OE. benethe, bineo[eth]en, AS.
beneo[eth]an, beny[eth]an; pref. be- + neo[eth]an, ny[eth]an,
downward, beneath, akin to E. nether. See {Nether}.]
1. Lower in place, with something directly over or on; under;
underneath; hence, at the foot of. ``Beneath the mount.''
--Ex. xxxii. 19.

Beneath a rude and nameless stone he lies. --Pope.

2. Under, in relation to something that is superior, or that
oppresses or burdens.

Our country sinks beneath the yoke. --Shak.

3. Lower in rank, dignity, or excellence than; as, brutes are
beneath man; man is beneath angels in the scale of beings.
Hence: Unworthy of; unbecoming.

He will do nothing that is beneath his high station.

Beneath \Be*neath"\, adv.
1. In a lower place; underneath.

The earth you take from beneath will be barren.

2. Below, as opposed to heaven, or to any superior region or
position; as, in earth beneath.

  1. The four characters screw each other and themselves to perfection but the moral survives beneath the wit in the audience's total identification with the only decent character, an unemployed birdwatcher.
  2. But beneath that mood of celebration, the country faces a future of political uncertainty, exhaustion from the conflict with its ancient Arab enemy, deep economic malaise and debate about which path the revolution must now take.
  3. The IRA killed four soldiers with a similar bomb beneath a road on April 9. Attacks against police officers and soldiers are a trademark of the IRA and smaller groups fighting British rule.
  4. I think she sort of thinks the ones I choose are beneath me," said Jason. "But I've never had a problem with the guys she dated." Two Marine Corps jet fighters collided today over a training range, and one pilot was killed, a spokesman said.
  5. Based on polls asking how much money people need to avoid poverty, the groups concluded in a report that 45 million people actually live in poverty in the United States _ more than the 32 million that fall beneath the federal poverty line.
  6. He said the technology which made use of a battery and wire embedded beneath the pieces of cardboard used for the ad was sensitive and some systems were likely to get crushed in the binding and mailing processes.
  7. I drove home beneath a starlit, velvet sky, singing.
  8. We passed the suspension bridge, now ageing, beneath the castle.
  9. Several hundred people gathered on a cliff overlooking the crash site and beneath a sign that read "Enough Terror."
  10. Sunlight penetrates the ice, and warms the darker material beneath.
  11. One of the men who crawled beneath crushed cement to search for survivors in the collapse of the L'Ambiance Plaza building now is looking for a job on a rescue team.
  12. Thinking quick, Boeing's photo chief managed to have the 707 fly beneath the press plane for a shot or two.
  13. Ten years ago: General Alexander M. Haig Jr., supreme commander of NATO forces, escaped an attempt on his life in Casteau, Belgium, when a remote-controlled bomb exploded beneath a small bridge as Haig's limousine passed over it.
  14. Speech-cutters, TelePrompter experts and other coaches will be located this year in rooms beneath the huge podium, a complex McCurry described as "where we make sausage."
  15. Others dig, but in remote sites or at the edges of villages whose high birth rates demand the use of all available land, whether or not history lies beneath it.
  16. What a voice, even throughout the range, full of colour, zest and verbal inflections, with plebeian mockery peeping out from beneath a 'gentlemanly' exterior.
  17. A surgeon who took part in the rescue, Dr. Jina Joder, said she used a paramedic's buck knife to cut the leg off a dead man to free a victim beneath him.
  18. The Polish leader, who wore a gray business suit and his familiar dark glasses, spoke in soft tones as he sat on a green velvet settee beneath a huge oil painting of a winter scene by 19th century Polish artist Julian Falat.
  19. The blockade was a series of mounds of earth, some teepees and old couches, stretching 330 feet across a dirt road nestled in a large meadow beneath thew snowcapped Coast Mountains.
  20. Buried deep beneath the village of Sharapova southeast of Moscow are bunkers designed to allow Kremlin leaders to survive a nuclear war.
  21. The #7.6 billion ($13.44 billion) tunnel beneath the English Channel will be ready for use on time in June 1993, according to Eurotunnel, the Anglo-French consortium in charge of building it.
  22. A permanent grin beneath a thatch of blonde hair makes him as approachable as Nick Faldo is forbidding.
  23. The tremor registered about 5.8 on the Richter scale at 1:42 a.m. AST and was centered beneath the ocean 20 miles northeast of Unalaska in the Aleutian Islands, said Alec Medbery of the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center.
  24. In 1987, 1.9 million Hungarians lived beneath the first and 660,000 below the second minimum living standard.
  25. Stamp enjoys himself hugely at his characters' expense and as a welcome bonus reveals a closet intellectual beneath his own handsome exterior.
  26. As the yellow submersible Delta slips beneath the Gulf of Maine 22 miles off Massachusetts, bubbles form outside the portholes and the craft enters a different world.
  27. The 12:38 p.m. accident, in a tunnel beneath the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, set off a smoky fire, said Metro-North railroad spokesman Dan Brucker.
  28. "My friends are all different colors," he said. "People saw beneath the skin." In the runoff, students also elected the first black student body vice president _ Kelvin Covington, a senior marketing major from Charleston.
  29. This rules out the establishment of regular liner services and the use of the waterway for just-in-time deliveries. Clearances beneath some bridges on the Danube are so low that containers can only be piled two-high.
  30. Andre Benard is French joint chairman of Eurotunnel, the Anglo-French consortium pursuing an age-old dream, the linking of Britain and France with a tunnel bored through the chalk marl beneath the English Channel.
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