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 bellicose ['bɛlə`kos]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 好战的, 好斗的

[法] 好战的

  1. Bellicose: Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious.
  2. The image of divine kingship was abused in Japan for bellicose and authoritarian ends.
  3. "- Why the US advance toward the Yalu river provoked a bellicose response from China,30 October2001.

[ adj ]
having or showing a ready disposition to fight
bellicose young officersa combative impulse
a contentious nature

Bellicose \Bel"li*cose`\, a. [L. bellicosus, fr. bellicus of
war, fr. bellum war. See {Duel}.]
Inclined to war or contention; warlike; pugnacious.

Arnold was, in fact, in a bellicose vein. --W. Irving.

  1. If Ukraine takes an overly recalcitrant stance it could earn a reputation in the west as a bellicose and immature state for years to come.
  2. The White House said in a statement that it is taking these measures "only after repeated but unsuccessful attempts to reduce tensions with Iran and in response to the continued and increasingly bellicose behavior of the Iranian government."
  3. Three soldiers and four civilians were wounded. In a bellicose response, Mr Saddam, in a televised speech to the nation, vowed that Baghdad would confront any future raid and urged his depleted air force to fight back.
  4. But the Iraqi president's more bellicose words were frightening _ and unwelcome.
  5. 'The US's pressure-bound machinations will result in driving us completely out of the NPT.' Mr Li avoided the bellicose language of some earlier North Korean statements and described his country's military posture as completely defensive.
  6. But the timing of his publicity drive and the almost bellicose nature of his language suggests he's pandering to prejudices about Japan as though they were a threat to apple pie America.
  7. Hours after Saddam's bellicose statement, a majority of the Arab League nations agreed to dispatch an Arab force to defend Saudi Arabia and approved economic sanctions against Iraq.
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