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 behaviour [bi'heivjә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 行为, 举止

[计] 特性, 性能, 特点, 行为, 动作, 状态

[化] 工况; 行为; 性状; 性能

  1. Such behaviour is beneath contempt.
  2. What comments have you about my son's behaviour?
  3. I could not endure the insolence of his behaviour.

[ noun ]
  1. the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances

  2. <noun.state>
    the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments
  3. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

  4. <noun.attribute>
  5. (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation

  6. <noun.act>
  7. manner of acting or controlling yourself

  8. <noun.act>

  1. But he apologised for behaviour which he said 'was not just inappropriate or boorish, but just plain wrong'. Mr Packwood conceded that 'the bonds of trust' linking him and the people of Oregon had been badly strained.
  2. Curiously the bid speculation is fuelled above all by the company's own behaviour: the outside world is strangely silent.
  3. International disputes, particularly between neighbours, cannot be solved by such unacceptable behaviour as the seizure of ships and the abduction of naval officers.
  4. Added to bombings and bank robberies, such behaviour is putting French mainlanders off the place they still call l'Ile de Beaute. Surely Corsicans could not be as hot-headed outside the political sphere as in, I reasoned.
  5. A leading member of the 'positive Europeans' group of Tory MPs, he blends strong support for the treaty with frustration at the activities of Euro-sceptics in his party. 'I think their collective behaviour is absurd.
  6. This idea, known to generations of economics students as the axiom of 'utility maximisation', is the foundation upon which much classical economic theory is built. Anderson rejects this proposition as too narrow an explanation of human behaviour.
  7. The site is regularly tested and monitored to check behaviour and seepage of heavy metals and other potentially dangerous components of the fly ash. Plans are already drawn up for building on the sites once they are full and covered.
  8. It has now come to be seen as a legitimate aspect of human behaviour.
  9. It is not clear he will be allowed to succeed because of divisions in the cabinet. In addition, corruption, along with the arbitrary behaviour of the authorities, is discouraging new investment and the emergence of small businesses.
  10. "It is going to take a change in behaviour," he said. "We don't mind name calling.
  11. A Restrictive Practices Act will penalise anti-competitive behaviour and end price-fixing by cartels.
  12. For the first six months of 1993, it achieved a healthy surplus of DM2.6bn. Mr Seehofer was also trying to influence the public's behaviour.
  13. If stable prices represent lower risk, they also logically allow lower real rates of return. But if the behaviour of companies seems irrational, it is not very surprising.
  14. The issue of the tin is, frankly, rather irrelevant.' 'But what about your behaviour?
  15. And yet, the tendency to anthropomorphise animal behaviour imports injustice to some animals.
  16. For those who mind about correct behaviour the rule is: if He breaks it off, She gets to keep it.
  17. The category relates to the health, private behaviour, home life, or personal or family relationships of the individual 'in circumstances in which the publication is likely to cause distress, annoyance or embarrassment to an individual'.
  18. While long term hoarders are abandoning silver, the market action will be dominated by the behaviour of traders and speculators. METALS Fax, weekly.
  19. 'Nor did it address the ambience of stores, the service of staff, the behaviour of managers in head office, nor the fundamental quality of the product range.'
  20. The weak women, well played by Marlene Sidaway (Jorgen's aunt) and Cecily Hobbs (Lovberg's devotee) balance the excesses of Hedda's behaviour and James's acting. The production needs to find pitch and purpose.
  21. But the behaviour of both was absurd.
  22. The frank realism of these people's behaviour - their evident belief in themselves - was thoroughly beguiling, and yet they were placed in a nowhere.
  23. This entails changing both the way the party is funded (ending kick-backs on public contracts) its behaviour and policies. The most coherent platform is propounded by Mr Mario Segni, leader of the referendum movement.
  24. One generous theory is that Hungary has gone furthest of the former Communist countries in making bankruptcy a real discipline on corporate behaviour.
  25. But it will also be increasingly necessary to prevent predatory behaviour as the industry consolidates into a smaller number of larger groups.
  26. In the court action, CLBN - together with its various management appointees, including Mr Ladd - claimed that Mr Parretti's behaviour and repeated violations of the agreement entitled it to change directors and wrest control.
  27. But the widespread disillusionment now felt by small business over high bank charges and high-handed behaviour is primarily a reflection of the unusual structure of the last economic cycle.
  28. It has no cash to disburse in return for good economic behaviour.
  29. A scorecard predicts customers' future actions on the basis of past behaviour.
  30. Germany's right-wing Republican party is becoming increasingly extreme but members' behaviour has not reached a stage where the party could be banned, Mr Manfred Kanther, the interior minister, said yesterday.
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