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 beetle ['bi:tl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 甲虫, 大槌

vi. 快速移动


[医] 甲虫

  1. She screamed as she saw the beetle.
  2. The beetle scuttled away when I lifted the stone.
  3. The pupil like the beetle very much.

[ noun ]
  1. insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wings

  2. <noun.animal>
  3. a tool resembling a hammer but with a large head (usually wooden); used to drive wedges or ram down paving stones or for crushing or beating or flattening or smoothing

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. be suspended over or hang over

  2. <verb.stative> overhang
    This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town
  3. fly or go in a manner resembling a beetle

  4. <verb.motion>
    He beetled up the staircase
    They beetled off home
  5. beat with a beetle

  6. <verb.contact>
[ adj ]
  1. jutting or overhanging

  2. <adj.all>
    beetle brows

Beetle \Bee"tle\, n. [OE. bityl, bittle, AS. b[imac]tel, fr.
b[imac]tan to bite. See {Bite}, v. t.]
Any insect of the order Coleoptera, having four wings, the
outer pair being stiff cases for covering the others when
they are folded up. See {Coleoptera}.

{Beetle mite} (Zo["o]l.), one of many species of mites, of
the family {Oribatid[ae]}, parasitic on beetles.

{Black beetle}, the common large black cockroach ({Blatta

Beetle \Bee"tle\, v. i. [See {Beetlebrowed}.]
To extend over and beyond the base or support; to overhang;
to jut.

To the dreadful summit of the cliff
That beetles o'er his base into the sea. --Shak.

Each beetling rampart, and each tower sublime.

Beetle \Bee"tle\ (b[=e]"t'l), n. [OE. betel, AS. b[=i]tl, b?tl,
mallet, hammer, fr. be['a]tan to beat. See {Beat}, v. t.]
1. A heavy mallet, used to drive wedges, beat pavements, etc.

2. A machine in which fabrics are subjected to a hammering
process while passing over rollers, as in cotton mills; --
called also {beetling machine}. --Knight.

Beetle \Bee"tle\ (b[=e]"t'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Beetled}
(-t'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Beetling}.]
1. To beat with a heavy mallet.

2. To finish by subjecting to a hammering process in a beetle
or beetling machine; as, to beetle cotton goods.

  1. The nematodes then sift through the soil, seeking out and dining on subterranean bugs, including such farm pests as the root-weevil, termite and Colorado potato beetle.
  2. In his first dramatic stage role, he portrays Gregor Samsa, a hard-working traveling salesman who wakes up one morning and finds he is turning into an insect, a dung beetle to be specific.
  3. A tiny ladybird beetle imported last year from Israel also is being studied as a possible weapon against the fly.
  4. "The lodgepole pine forest is regenerated through these fires," said Hofacker. "In another 80 to 100 years it gets killed again by the mountain pine beetle.
  5. The University of California and USDA introduced a shiny blue-green beetle, which in Europe and Australia had fed exclusively on St. Johnswort or closely related plants.
  6. "I wish I could talk to these things," he said, uncovering a male beetle burrowing under the bark toward a female.
  7. Fifty years ago, it wouldn't matter if an apple had a moth larva inside, or if the bean had a beetle bite.
  8. "The Colorado potato beetle likes to play dead as soon as it senses any noise or movement, that's why we had to add the blower to shake them up," Szynal said.
  9. What actually kills the trees is the fungus, whose spores ride along on the beetle's back.
  10. It may be an immatore lady beetle, hungry and looking for a meal.
  11. There is no correlation between the number of spots and the beetle's age.
  12. The temple's clock, which was shattered in the blasts, showed the time of the attack as 7:51 p.m. Coconuts, bananas and beetle leaves brought by devotees as sacred offerings were scattered throughout the temple's blood-splattered inner chambers.
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