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 bearable ['bɛrəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可忍受的, 支承得住的

  1. Bearable pain; a bearable schedule.
  2. The pain was just bearable.
  3. The pain was rather bearable.

[ adj ]
capable of being borne though unpleasant
sufferable punishment

Bearable \Bear"a*ble\, a.
Capable of being borne or endured; tolerable. --
{Bear"a*bly}, adv.

  1. In any case, when government spending amounts to 62.1% of GDP, there is no amount of tax enforcement that could make taxation bearable.
  2. The costs of additional freight and stock required for frequent small deliveries was bearable because during much of the last decade the Japanese plastics business was highly profitable.
  3. In a statement, Young & Rubicam called the award "unfortunate but bearable."
  4. "For affluent Americans, a new energy tax would be the equivalent of a luxury excise tax: mildly irritating but bearable."
  5. Roads, electricity and telecommunications all need huge investment - not only to make life bearable for Ethiopians but to attract foreign investors.
  6. All that was bearable until her insurance company stopped paying a percentage of the medical bills, maintaining that Pennsylvania law only requires reimbursement for "rehabilitative" care and that Mrs. Phelps wasn't getting any better.
  7. A constant water temperature of 58 degrees, a little chilly but bearable in a wet suit, makes it a year-round resort.
  8. Now the IMF is more enlightened. It calculates that the rules will reduce growth all over Europe by about 1 per cent annually - bearable in normal conditions, but dreadful in a recession, and probably an under-estimate anyway.
  9. Short answer: making the movie bearable.
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