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 bathos ['beθɑs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 突降法, 陈腐, 虚伪

  1. As an AP photographer, Worth covered the events leading up to World War II. Worth's war was one that went from high excitement to moments of bathos.

[ noun ]
  1. triteness or triviality of style

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. insincere pathos

  4. <noun.feeling>
  5. a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one

  6. <noun.communication>

Bathos \Ba"thos\ (b[=a]"th[o^]s), n. [Gr. ba`qos depth, fr.
baqy`s deep.] (Rhet.)
A ludicrous descent from the elevated to the low, in writing
or speech; anticlimax.

  1. "The public could condone murder as retribution for adultery," writes Mr. Brandt, "but it could not condone a murderer's willingness to forgive." With pathos and bathos, the couple tried to mend their pitiful lives.
  2. So often a brilliant beginning had crashed into bathos by line four.
  3. They have comedy, tragedy, pathos, bathos.
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