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 barrel bulk 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Barrel \Bar"rel\ (b[a^]r"r[e^]l), n.[OE. barel, F. baril, prob.
    fr. barre bar. Cf. {Barricade}.]
    1. A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth,
    and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with
    hoops, and having flat ends or heads; as, a cracker
    barrel. Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical
    container made of metal, usually called a {drum}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    2. The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies
    for different articles and also in different places for
    the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A
    barrel of wine is 311/2 gallons; a barrel of flour is 196

    3. A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case; as, the barrel
    of a windlass; the barrel of a watch, within which the
    spring is coiled.

    4. A metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is
    discharged. --Knight.

    5. A jar. [Obs.] --1 Kings xvii. 12.

    6. (Zo["o]l.) The hollow basal part of a feather.

    {Barrel bulk} (Com.), a measure equal to five cubic feet,
    used in estimating capacity, as of a vessel for freight.

    {Barrel drain} (Arch.), a drain in the form of a cylindrical

    {Barrel of a boiler}, the cylindrical part of a boiler,
    containing the flues.

    {Barrel of the ear} (Anat.), the tympanum, or tympanic

    {Barrel organ}, an instrument for producing music by the
    action of a revolving cylinder.

    {Barrel vault}. See under {Vault}.

    Bulk \Bulk\ (b[u^]lk), n. [OE. bulke, bolke, heap; cf. Dan. bulk
    lump, clod, OSw. bolk crowd, mass, Icel. b?lkast to be bulky.
    Cf. {Boll}, n., {Bile} a boil, {Bulge}, n.]
    1. Magnitude of material substance; dimensions; mass; size;
    as, an ox or ship of great bulk.

    Against these forces there were prepared near one
    hundred ships; not so great of bulk indeed, but of a
    more nimble motion, and more serviceable. --Bacon.

    2. The main mass or body; the largest or principal portion;
    the majority; as, the bulk of a debt.

    The bulk of the people must labor, Burke told them,
    ``to obtain what by labor can be obtained.'' --J.

    3. (Naut.) The cargo of a vessel when stowed.

    4. The body. [Obs.] --Shak.

    My liver leaped within my bulk. --Turbervile.

    {Barrel bulk}. See under {Barrel}.

    {To break bulk} (Naut.), to begin to unload or more the

    {In bulk}, in a mass; loose; not inclosed in separate
    packages or divided into separate parts; in such shape
    that any desired quantity may be taken or sold.

    {Laden in bulk}, {Stowed in bulk}, having the cargo loose in
    the hold or not inclosed in boxes, bales, or casks.

    {Sale by bulk}, a sale of goods as they are, without weight
    or measure.

    Syn: Size; magnitude; dimension; volume; bigness; largeness;

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