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 barouche [bә'ru:ʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 四轮四座大马车

  1. An open barouche was standing there, and a woman in white had stepped out of it.
  2. We got into an open barouche at the station and started on a brisk trot for the rendezvous; there was still a half bottle of Anjou left which we polished off as we rode along.

[ noun ]
a horse-drawn carriage having four wheels; has an outside seat for the driver and facing inside seats for two couples and a folding top

Barouche \Ba*rouche"\, n. [G. barutsche, It. baroccio, biroccio,
LL. barrotium, fr. L. birotus two-wheeled; bi- = bis twice +
rota wheel.]
A four-wheeled carriage, with a falling top, a seat on the
outside for the driver, and two double seats on the inside
arranged so that the sitters on the front seat face those on
the back seat.

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