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 baldly ['bɔldlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 率直地, 露骨地, 无掩饰地

  1. To put it baldly, I'm not satisfied with your work.
  2. The European Union, normally a master of nuance in these matters, baldly stated that the whole electoral process“ cannot be considered to have been credible”, and remarked that its report was the most damning it had ever issue
  3. Last Saturday, mother has bought new clothes in far east department store, today puts on is looking like the comparison to like a young female because full month helps her to cut hair baldly, the hair not to grow after two mon

[ adv ]
in a bald manner
this book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work.

Baldly \Bald"ly\, adv.
Nakedly; without reserve; inelegantly.

  1. To put it baldly, the Bush presidency is reversing many of the deregulatory gains Mr. Bush helped promote as vice president in the 1980s.
  2. Pang Songfeng, director of foreign affairs at Nankai University in Tianjin, says baldly, "Nankai can't accept a student who opposes Marxism."
  3. 'Jim wants me to go with other men so that he can write about it,' she explained baldly to the suitor he found for her, 'but I want only him.'
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