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 bacterial [bæk'tɪrɪəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 细菌的

[医] 细菌的, [无芽胞]杆菌的

  1. Shrinkage or contraction of the protoplasm away from the wall of a living plant or bacterial cell, caused by loss of water through osmosis.
  2. The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.
  3. An agent, such as a chemical or biological material, that inhibits bacterial growth.

[ adj ]
relating to or caused by bacteria
bacterial infection

Bacterial \Bac*te"ri*al\, a. (Biol.)
Of, pertaining to, or caused by bacteria.

  1. Probes placed in the mouths of volunteers can measure bacterial acid production but not the effects on the enamel.
  2. It would not do for the casks to develop the bacterial 'flor' which gives the special character to fino sherries. This was noticable in the tasting of eight different Macallans I did with Allan Shiach.
  3. Mormon Church President Ezra Taft Benson spent a restful night in a hospital and was responding Thursday to antibiotic treatment for a bacterial infection, a church spokesman said.
  4. The maker of pharmaceuticals, medical and agricultural products said Keftab is used to treat several types of bacterial infections, including upper and lower respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and skin and soft-tissue infections.
  5. Much of Sweden's crawfish stock was destroyed by a bacterial plague beginning in the 1960s.
  6. Septic shock is an inflammatory condition of the blood system that occurs following overwhelming bacterial infection, called sepsis.
  7. Marcos was alert and conscious and seemed to be responding to medication to fight a bacterial infection, Tiwanak said.
  8. Larry Pickering, who led the research, said the study was too small to find a difference in outbreaks, only an increase in bacterial contamination.
  9. When it came time for the TA 29 gene to be "turned on" to help make pollen, the bacterial gene was turned on, the TA 29 gene destroyed, and the plant rendered male sterile because it couldn't produce pollen.
  10. In the United States, the leading causes of genital ulcer disease are herpes, syphilis and chancroid in that order, but in Africa the bacterial infection chancroid is first.
  11. When used in mice, researchers were able to transfer bacterial genes that produce an enzyme.
  12. The problem with the franks was discovered May 31 during a routine USDA import re-inspection in Buffalo, N.Y. Laboratory tests confirmed the bacterial contamination on June 20, said agency spokesman Jim Greene.
  13. A human monoclonal antibody reduced deaths from a type of rampant bacterial infection to 30% from 49% in a key clinical trial.
  14. Ranchers have complained vigorously that the buffalo that roam from the park damage property and threaten to infect cows with brucellosis, a bacterial disease that causes cows to abort their calves.
  15. An outbreak of rapidly fatal bacterial infections in at least four western states could mark the return of dangerous strains of strep germs that mysteriously disappeared almost 50 years ago, researchers reported today.
  16. "We don't have clinical evidence of these animals coming down with bacterial diseases," says Martin VanDerMaaten, leader of the BIV research team at the Agriculture Department's National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa.
  17. The bacteria can cause pink eye, bacterial meningitis and pneumonia.
  18. Benson, who served as agriculture secretary in the Eisenhower administration and became president of the 7.5 million-member church in 1985, was last hospitalized for four days in June for treatment of a bacterial infection.
  19. Mr. Birge's team employs a bacterial protein that changes from one shape to another when hit with a precisely controlled burst of laser light.
  20. In the Yakima outbreak, the germ is causing bacterial meningitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, and meningococcemia, in which it travels through the blood stream and attacks organs.
  21. His managers said today that he died of bacterial meningitis.
  22. A bonus to plant-based sewage treatment is that methane, sold as natural gas, is produced by the first-stage bacterial process.
  23. Among concerns he cited were: _Well-cooked, high-protein foods, such as meat and eggs, contain bacterial substances that can cause genetic mutations.
  24. Xoma has charged that Centocor's Centoxin, made in the Netherlands, infringes Xoma's patent on Xomen E5. Both drugs are treatments for certain potentially fatal bacterial infections, and both are awaiting federal Food and Drug Administration approval.
  25. A vaccine that prevents bacterial meningitis and other life-threatening diseases now can be given to infants as young as two months to protect them when they most need it.
  26. To do this, they mark the TIL cells with a bacterial gene that can be easily identified, enabling the researchers to track their distribution and effectiveness.
  27. Former tennis champion Arthur Ashe was released from a hospital after taking antibiotics to relieve pressure from a "severe bacterial infection" in his head, his agent said.
  28. Investors and traders were reacting further to Wednesday's news that a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel decided to recommend FDA approval of Centocor's Centoxin drug for treatment of bacterial infections.
  29. Within three years tests could be available to spot bacterial problems before the food leaves the factory. Computer systems to help maintain appropriate records.
  30. Mr. Kelly said the companies would target the fruit and vegetable markets, where chemical and bacterial agents are used extensively.
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