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 axiom ['æksiәm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 自明之理, 公理, 原理, 格言

[法] 公理, 原理, 原则

  1. China has certainly mastered that axiom[7].
  2. The concern about this axiom stemmed from the fact.
  3. Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom.

[ noun ]
  1. a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. (logic) a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof; its truth is assumed to be self-evident

  4. <noun.communication>

Axiom \Ax"i*om\, n. [L. axioma, Gr. ? that which is thought
worthy, that which is assumed, a basis of demonstration, a
principle, fr. ? to think worthy, fr. ? worthy, weighing as
much as; cf. ? to lead, drive, also to weigh so much: cf F.
axiome. See {Agent}, a.]
1. (Logic & Math.) A self-evident and necessary truth, or a
proposition whose truth is so evident as first sight that
no reasoning or demonstration can make it plainer; a
proposition which it is necessary to take for granted; as,
``The whole is greater than a part;'' ``A thing can not,
at the same time, be and not be.''

2. An established principle in some art or science, which,
though not a necessary truth, is universally received; as,
the axioms of political economy.

Syn: {Axiom}, {Maxim}, {Aphorism}, {Adage}.

Usage: An axiom is a self-evident truth which is taken for
granted as the basis of reasoning. A maxim is a
guiding principle sanctioned by experience, and
relating especially to the practical concerns of life.
An aphorism is a short sentence pithily expressing
some valuable and general truth or sentiment. An adage
is a saying of long-established authority and of
universal application.

  1. This idea, known to generations of economics students as the axiom of 'utility maximisation', is the foundation upon which much classical economic theory is built. Anderson rejects this proposition as too narrow an explanation of human behaviour.
  2. When first coined, the axiom was intended to correct the then common misconception that the opening of international markets meant that consumer demand was identical everywhere.
  3. During the past three years, the New Directions movement has grown within the UAW urging the organization's leaders to honor the axiom _ managers manage and workers work.
  4. "The axiom here is truth in labeling," said acting FDA Commissioner James Benson.
  5. It is an axiom of rural living: If a neighbor needs help, you help.
  6. But Benjamin Franklin's famous axiom _ the one about death and taxes being the world's only certainties _ may not be off on the tax part for long.
  7. Nando, who is abandoned at the age of four and develops a reckless taste for cruelty, illustrates the axiom that those who are left in harm's way do harm to others.
  8. It's become an axiom of our politics that a new President essentially has a year to force his agenda through a hostile Congress.
  9. Travel writer Stephen Birnbaum has developed this axiom of travel in Eastern Europe: The softer a country's currency, the harder its toilet paper.
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