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 attachment [ə'tætʃmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 连接, 附属物, 连接物, 爱慕

[计] 附加, 附件

[医] 附着, 接合; 附着体; 固位体

[经] 附件, 查封, 扣押财产

  1. She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.
  2. It's an electric drill with a range of different attachments.
  3. An attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools.

[ noun ]
  1. a feeling of affection for a person or an institution

  2. <noun.feeling>
  3. a supplementary part or accessory

  4. <noun.artifact>
  5. a writ authorizing the seizure of property that may be needed for the payment of a judgment in a judicial proceeding

  6. <noun.communication>
  7. a connection that fastens things together

  8. <noun.artifact>
  9. faithful support for a cause or political party or religion

  10. <noun.act>
    attachment to a formal agenda
    adherence to a fat-free diet
    the adhesion of Seville was decisive
  11. the act of attaching or affixing something

  12. <noun.act>
  13. the act of fastening things together

  14. <noun.act>

Attachment \At*tach"ment\, n. [F. attachment.]
1. The act attaching, or state of being attached; close
adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an? passion of
affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a
friend, or to a party.

2. That by which one thing is attached to another;
connection; as, to cut the attachments of a muscle.

The human mind . . . has exhausted its forces in the
endeavor to rend the supernatural from its
attachment to this history. --I. Taylor.

3. Something attached; some adjunct attached to an
instrument, machine, or other object; as, a sewing machine
attachment (i. e., a device attached to a sewing machine
to enable it to do special work, as tucking, etc.).

4. (Giv. Law)
(a) A seizure or taking into custody by virtue of a legal
(b) The writ or percept commanding such seizure or taking.

Note: The term is applied to a seizure or taking either of
persons or property. In the serving of process in a
civil suit, it is most generally applied to the taking
of property, whether at common law, as a species of
distress, to compel defendant's appearance, or under
local statutes, to satisfy the judgment the plaintiff
may recover in the action. The terms attachment and
arrest are both applied to the taking or apprehension
of a defendant to compel an appearance in a civil
action. Attachments are issued at common law and in
chancery, against persons for contempt of court. In
England, attachment is employed in some cases where
capias is with us, as against a witness who fails to
appear on summons. In some of the New England States a
writ of attachment is a species of mesne process upon
which the property of a defendant may be seized at the
commencement of a suit and before summons to him, and
may be held to satisfy the judgment the plaintiff may
recover. In other States this writ can issue only
against absconding debtors and those who conceal
themselves. See {Foreign}, {Garnishment}, {Trustee
process}. --Bouvier. --Burrill. --Blackstone.

Syn: {Attachment}, {Affection}.

Usage: The leading idea of affection is that of warmth and
tenderness; the leading idea of attachment is that of
being bound to some object by strong and lasting ties.
There is more of sentiment (and sometimes of romance)
in affection, and more of principle in preserving
attachment. We speak of the ardor of the one, and the
fidelity of the other. There is another distinction in
the use and application of these words. The term
attachment is applied to a wider range of objects than
affection. A man may have a strong attachment to his
country, to his profession, to his principles, and
even to favorite places; in respect to none of these
could we use the word affection.

  1. Hollowing out the fan blade, for instance, enabled GE to cut the weight of that part and its attachment by 20%.
  2. "We have a huge, almost visceral attachment to the show and to each other," he said. "We'll all still be friends, but we'll drift apart.
  3. The Iraqi president doesn't make any secret of his attachment to guns, torture and poison gas.
  4. There is a continuing attachment to chips across all divisions, with 80 per cent of employees saying they should remain on the menu.
  5. The emotional attachment to "Erdely" _ Hungarian for Transylvania _ and Ceausescu's harassment of ethnic Hungarians prompted Hungary, before the revolution, to lead international condemnation of a Warsaw Pact ally.
  6. Sony plans to unveil a CD-ROM "bundle," including the computer attachment needed to run a multimedia disk, and five or six disks containing an encyclopedia, almanac, even an educational video game.
  7. Evidence is emerging that more and more women now plan for a long-term continuous attachment to the labor force, rather than merely intermittent periods of employment.
  8. The bottom booster-tank attachment gave way, hydrogen streamed from the failed tank and the shuttle was enveloped in a fireball.
  9. "Most of them feel this great attachment toward West Point. It's the fountainhead of their youth, as one of them said.
  10. Koji Togashi, manager of marketing and purchasing of overseas souvenirs at JTB Traveland, another company offering pre-departure souvenir catalogs, says, "We offer this service for people you don't have a special attachment for."
  11. Orlando was as much a requiem as a celebration. The composer Ethel Smyth, another attachment, sends a breath of irreverent fresh air through this hothouse informing Virginia that she hated everything Bloomsbury stood for.
  12. She has since been promoted from management trainee to branch manager at Rayners Lane in London. Her attachment over three months for a day each week provided a local community group with an analysis of how to improve its services.
  13. The company also said 750 of its 1989 Lincoln Continental cars were being recalled to tighten a bolt in a rear seat-belt attachment.
  14. But, like my attachment to newsprint, mine to green things is hardly ruthless.
  15. The Ravesis had at one time taken out a restraining order against Cole after social workers alerted them that the sometime baby sitter's attachment toward Nicole appeared obsessive.
  16. To deal with pet hair, choose a unit that has a motorized power brush attachment with both long and short bristles.
  17. An attachment to the engine that may have exploded in flight aboard United Airlines Flight 232 was repaired a day before the plane crashed in Iowa, but the head investigator said Friday he had no indication the work was related the engine's failure.
  18. Keeping things for a long time for nothing more than personal attachment is a luxury," Logan said.
  19. The Sallahs paid $75,000 for their 3.7 acres less than one mile from the center of the town of about 1,500, and are building the house from a kit valued at $50,000. The circular part is two stories with a more conventional one-story attachment.
  20. Gary Cantor, a Philadelphia attorney who is representing debenture holders in a lawsuit against Coleco, said the attachment order raised the possibility of other creditors' acting against Coleco.
  21. He said he chose to begin his business in Milwaukee because of low property costs and his attachment to the city where he spent 12 years as a professional baseball player.
  22. He has also had two spells on attachment to the Treasury, most recently as special adviser to Norman Lamont in the run-up to the last election. This could leave him with some divided loyalties.
  23. The automatic shoulder belts, by the way, still require manual attachment of the lap belts.
  24. It has nozzles for cleaning carpet and upholstery, a bare floor attachment and a storage rack.
  25. But By-Word Technologies of Dallas has begun selling an attachment that is supposed to ignore the background noise and can respond correctly to various pronunciations.
  26. With the passive attitude of the world, they manifest in a very bold way, their attachment to the ideas of freedom and self-determination of nations, ideas embodied in the constitutions of all democratic nations," Walesa wrote.
  27. 'Computers might communicate with each other, the buffs are communicating on the Internet, but for the majority of us, we'll still be using paper for at least another five years.' The human attachment to paper is only partly to blame.
  28. Not much attachment can be felt to a brand of washing-machine powder called Bip after the initials of the factory. Older Hungarians may remain loyal but Caola is losing a whole new generation.
  29. The public image has sometimes obscured the quality of his work. Much the same may be said of Lord Longford, notably by way of his attachment to the convicted moors murderer, Myra Hindley.
  30. The attachment contains a space bicycle for cosmonauts, a solar battery to supplement that of the Mir, an East German optical experiment and an airlock through which cosmonauts can pass to take spacewalks.
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