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 astigmatism [ә'stigmәtizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 散光

[化] 像散

[医] 散光

  1. maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism.
  2. Under astigmatism even narrow parallel light beams will not combine into one point.
  3. AIM: To observe the changes of corneal astigmatism after trabeculectomy using removable suture.

[ noun ]
  1. (ophthalmology) impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea; common in nearsighted people

  2. <noun.state>
  3. (optics) defect in an optical system in which light rays from a single point fail to converge in a single focal point

  4. <noun.state>

Astigmatism \A*stig"ma*tism\, n. [Gr. 'a priv. + ?, ?, a prick
of a pointed instrument, a spot, fr. ? to prick: cf. F.
astigmatisme.] (Med. & Opt.)
A defect of the eye or of a lens, in consequence of which the
rays derived from one point are not brought to a single focal
point, thus causing imperfect images or indistinctness of

Note: The term is applied especially to the defect causing
images of lines having a certain direction to be
indistinct, or imperfectly seen, while those of lines
transverse to the former are distinct, or clearly seen.

Ametropia \Am`e*tro"pi*a\, n. [Gr. ? irregular + ?, ?, eye.]
a visual impairment resulting from faulty refraction of light
rays in the eye. Subtypes include {myopia} {astigmatism} and
{hyperopia}. -- {Am`e*trop"ic}, a.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

  1. Summit Technology Inc. said it was issued a patent by the U.S. Patent Office for its disposable corneal mask, which is used in an experimental procedure to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism with laser surgery.
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