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 assign [ә'sain]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 分配, 指派, 赋值

[计] 赋值

[经] 分配, 转让财产, 过户

  1. All the students are assigned to suitable jobs.
  2. They assigned his odd behavior to his ill health.
  3. It is impossible to assign an exact date to this building.

[ verb ]
  1. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)

  2. <verb.social> delegate depute designate
  3. give out

  4. <verb.possession>
    allot portion
    We were assigned new uniforms
  5. attribute or credit to

  6. <verb.cognition>
    ascribe attribute impute
    We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare
    People impute great cleverness to cats
  7. select something or someone for a specific purpose

  8. <verb.cognition>
    set apart specify
    The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise
  9. attribute or give

  10. <verb.consumption>
    She put too much emphasis on her the last statement
    He put all his efforts into this job
    The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story
  11. make undue claims to having

  12. <verb.possession>
  13. transfer one's right to

  14. <verb.possession>
  15. decide as to where something belongs in a scheme

  16. <verb.cognition>
    The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class

Assign \As*sign"\, n. [See {Assignee}.] (Law)
A person to whom property or an interest is transferred; as,
a deed to a man and his heirs and assigns.

Assign \As*sign"\, v. i. (Law)
To transfer or pass over property to another, whether for the
benefit of the assignee or of the assignor's creditors, or in
furtherance of some trust.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Assign \As*sign"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assigned}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Assigning}.] [OE. assignen, asignen, F. assigner, fr. L.
assignare; ad + signare to mark, mark out, designate, signum
mark, sign. See {Sign}.]
1. To appoint; to allot; to apportion; to make over.

In the order I assign to them. --Loudon.

The man who could feel thus was worthy of a better
station than that in which his lot had been
assigned. --Southey.

He assigned to his men their several posts.

2. To fix, specify, select, or designate; to point out
authoritatively or exactly; as, to assign a limit; to
assign counsel for a prisoner; to assign a day for trial.

All as the dwarf the way to her assigned. --Spenser.

It is not easy to assign a period more eventful.
--De Quincey.

3. (Law) To transfer, or make over to another, esp. to
transfer to, and vest in, certain persons, called
assignees, for the benefit of creditors.

{To assign dower}, to set out by metes and bounds the widow's
share or portion in an estate. --Kent.

Assign \As*sign"\, n. [From {Assign}, v.]
A thing pertaining or belonging to something else; an
appurtenance. [Obs.]

Six French rapiers and poniards, with their assigns, as
girdles, hangers, and so. --Shak.

  1. Bush said he would not try to assign blame for the problems at HUD.
  2. Prudential responded on Thursday afternoon by notifying Aetna Centre's tenants that it was seizing all rents from the property. The move to assign rents appears to have caught O&Y by surprise.
  3. But to seek to assign a certain universality to Chaplin by accompanying his scenes with chunks of JS Bach is worrying, and less justifiable than the playing of the Bach Passacaglia for Petit's Le Jeune Homme et la mort all those years ago.
  4. Such a plan would use odd or even numbers on license plates to assign alternate driving days for the area's 12 million motorists.
  5. "Each kid in the section has the same music, then we assign them a certain number of bells and teach them where the notes are located on the staff," he said.
  6. Roughly 600 men, women and children make their way through the food line every week, so many that the Pacholskis must assign them all numbers and serve them in shifts.
  7. It forbids using options and other discretionary "bells and whistles" to assign value, a common practice before the 1987 tax act.
  8. In addition to handling portions of the account separately, each agency was to assign executives to a committee that would meet periodically to create global advertising for Northwest.
  9. The convention does not assign liability for accidents such as oil spills.
  10. "In cases where we find indentures that have significant protection, we may assign a slightly higher rating," Mulvaney said.
  11. But after their arrival, the government said it would temporarily assign an additional 80 police officers to patrol the subway system.
  12. Mr. Icahn defended his analysis by saying it did take cash flow into account, and did assign different valuation multiples to the steel and energy units.
  13. "I wouldn't assign it a high priority in terms of its contribution to an unbelievable event.
  14. He said Congress has the power under the Constitution to declare war. "Congress can't take the power that the Constitution assigned it and assign it to a court" to decide the question.
  15. Fred Moosally to assign sailors to remove highly flammable hydraulic oil flooding the blast site.
  16. Norway, Belgium, Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands are the only countries that assign women to offensive combat positions in their armed forces.
  17. And federal officials have said Bunton's order could affect how other U.S. law enforcement agencies promote and assign employees.
  18. In the talks today, sources said Shamir reiterated his objections to an international peace conference that would assign an active role to the Soviet Union.
  19. In another development, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, president of the United Arab Emirates, called today for an emergency Arab summit to assign Arab peacekeeping troops to Lebanon.
  20. Kohl has revived a West German campaign to have NATO assign high priority to negotiating reductions in shorter-range rockets with the Warsaw Pact.
  21. "In many cases, Bell representatives assign services such as call waiting and wire maintenance plans without ever telling the consumer that the services are optional," Zimmerman said during a news conference.
  22. The rationale for federalism is not just to assign jurisdiction at a local level, but to assign jurisdiction to the affected parties.
  23. The rationale for federalism is not just to assign jurisdiction at a local level, but to assign jurisdiction to the affected parties.
  24. Please do not assign to me improper motives.
  25. That's because the judge who could approve the deal is blocked by court order from doing so and a panel of judges declined to assign the case to another judge Thursday.
  26. Bieber also will assign the vice presidents to head the union's various departments, including one for each of the Big Three automakers and another with administrative responsibility for agricultural implement and aerospace workers covered by the union.
  27. Regulators can assign dollar values to each $1 million of credit-card portfolio or mortgage-origination capability or core deposits based on actual market transactions.
  28. Houston-based Texas Air had agreed earlier with Shapiro to pay Eastern more than $280 million as a settlement on the condition, sources said, that the report not assign any liability to Texas Air.
  29. The company tries to assign both a man and a woman to investigate charges involving opposite sexes.
  30. They will use the plan, once final, to assign a monetary value to the damage incurred and to develop a strategy for restoring the environment.
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