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 assertiveness [ə'sə:tivnis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 断然(固执己见)

    [ noun ]
    aggressive self-assurance; given to making bold assertions

    Assertive \As*sert"ive\, a.
    Positive; affirming confidently; affirmative; peremptory.

    In a confident and assertive form. --Glanvill.
    {As*sert"ive*ly}, adv. -- {As*sert"ive*ness},

    1. In forming his new Cabinet, after his party's Feb. 18 election victory, he showed unexpected assertiveness in resisting pressure from party elders to give Cabinet posts to two such men.
    2. But a year later, the spirit of the "Deaf President Now" protest lives on _ in newfound pride and assertiveness among the deaf, in heightened awareness and understanding among the hearing.
    3. Tokyo's new found assertiveness over trade policy is certainly an attempt to influence the shaping of the Clinton administration's policy.
    4. It also represents a potential setback for the government in its efforts to hold down wages and boost productivity, and illustrates a growing assertiveness by rank-and-file union members compared with their leaders.
    5. On both occasions, his sudden assertiveness came at a time when questions about his leadership had built to a crescendo.
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