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 aspirate ['æspə`ret]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 送气发音, 以/h/音开始读出, 吸

n. /h/音, 送气音

a. 送气音的, /h/音的

[医] 抽吸; 抽出物, 吸出物

  1. The word `hour' is pronounced without an initial aspirate.
  2. Aspirate stomach contents for residual volume, determine volume with graduated container if necessary, and reinstill to client.
  3. D. Gelatin capsules: Aspirate with a syringe, or capsule may be dissolved in warm water over several minutes. After capsule dissolves, remove its gelatin outer layer.

[ noun ]
  1. a consonant pronounced with aspiration

  2. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. remove as if by suction

  2. <verb.contact> draw out suck out
    aspirate the wound
  3. pronounce with aspiration; of stop sounds

  4. <verb.communication>
  5. suck in (air)

  6. <verb.body>

Aspirate \As"pi*rate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Aspirated}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Aspirating}.] [L. aspiratus, p. p. of aspirare to
breathe toward or upon, to add the breathing h; ad + spirare
to breathe, blow. Cf. {Aspire}.]
To pronounce with a breathing, an aspirate, or an h sound;
as, we aspirate the words horse and house; to aspirate a
vowel or a liquid consonant.

Aspirate \As"pi*rate\, n.
1. A sound consisting of, or characterized by, a breath like
the sound of h; the breathing h or a character
representing such a sound; an aspirated sound.

2. A mark of aspiration ([asper]) used in Greek; the asper,
or rough breathing. --Bentley.

3. An elementary sound produced by the breath alone; a surd,
or nonvocal consonant; as, f, th in thin, etc.

Aspirate \As"pi*rate\ ([a^]s"p[i^]*r[asl]t), Aspirated
\As"pi*ra"ted\ (-r[=a]"t[e^]d), a. [L. aspiratus, p. p.]
Pronounced with the h sound or with audible breath.

But yet they are not aspirate, i. e., with such an
aspiration as h. --Holder.

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