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 aspen ['æspәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 山杨

a. 山杨的, 颤抖的

[机] 山杨; 山杨的

  1. After she learned of the accident, the girl began to shake like an aspen leaf.
  2. I dudder and shake like an aspen leaf.
  3. Maria: Yes, but I'm seeing friends in Aspen.

[ noun ]
any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves on flattened stalks so that they flutter in the lightest wind

Aspen \Asp"en\ ([a^]s"p[e^]n), a.
Of or pertaining to the aspen, or resembling it; made of
aspen wood.

Nor aspen leaves confess the gentlest breeze. --Gay.

Aspen \Asp"en\ ([a^]s"p[e^]n), Asp \Asp\ ([.a]sp), n. [AS.
[ae]sp, [ae]ps; akin to OHG. aspa, Icel. ["o]sp, Dan. [ae]sp,
Sw. asp, D. esp, G. espe, ["a]spe, aspe; cf. Lettish apsa,
Lith. apuszis.] (Bot.)
One of several species of poplar bearing this name,
especially the {Populus tremula}, so called from the
trembling of its leaves, which move with the slightest
impulse of the air.

  1. Stands of aspen and lodgepole pine surrounding the trail are evidence that while fire can destroy trees, it can also create life, the ranger said.
  2. With their roots undamaged by the flames, aspen trees return to their juvenile phase for three to four years, and will add as much as four feet in a 90-day growing season.
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