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 aseptic [æ'septik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 防腐剂

a. 无菌的

[医] 无菌的

  1. An aseptic smile.
  2. What must the nurse check before using aseptic solution?
    4. 使用无菌溶液时,应该对、查的内容是什么?
  3. What preparations should you make before conducting aseptic technique?
    3. 做无菌操作前,你应作什么准备?

[ adj ]
free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms
a sterile operating areaaseptic surgical instruments
aseptic surgical techniques

Aseptic \A*sep"tic\, a. [Pref. a- not + septic.]
1. Not liable to putrefaction; nonputrescent.

2. free from pathogenic microorganisms; sterile; as, aseptic
operating conditions.

3. [metaphorical] lacking emotion, human warmth, or

Aseptic \A*sep"tic\, n.
An aseptic substance.

  1. Second, it disputed that it was in a dominant position in the markets for aseptic products.
  2. But by looking abroad we discovered the new technology of aseptic "paper bottles," which we promptly introduced.
  3. Because the end-product is lightweight, small and rectangular, the filled aseptic package can be more efficiently transported, as well, using 35% less energy per unit than alternative glass packages.
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