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 arming ['ɑrmɪŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 战斗准备, 装弹

  1. The two opponents are arming for the fight.
  2. A shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms.
  3. The enemy is arming.

[ noun ]
the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war

Arm \Arm\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Armed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Arming}.] [OE. armen, F. armer, fr. L. armare, fr. arma,
pl., arms. See {arms}.]
1. To take by the arm; to take up in one's arms. [Obs.]

And make him with our pikes and partisans
A grave: come, arm him. --Shak.

Arm your prize;
I know you will not lose him. --Two N. Kins.

2. To furnish with arms or limbs. [R.]

His shoulders broad and strong,
Armed long and round. --Beau. & Fl.

3. To furnish or equip with weapons of offense or defense;
as, to arm soldiers; to arm the country.

Abram . . . armed his trained servants. --Gen. xiv.

4. To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will
add strength, force, security, or efficiency; as, to arm
the hit of a sword; to arm a hook in angling.

5. Fig.: To furnish with means of defense; to prepare for
resistance; to fortify, in a moral sense.

Arm yourselves . . . with the same mind. --1 Pet.
iv. 1.

{To arm a magnet}, to fit it with an armature.

Arming \Arm"ing\, n.
1. The act of furnishing with, or taking, arms.

The arming was now universal. --Macaulay.

2. (Naut.) A piece of tallow placed in a cavity at the lower
end of a sounding lead, to bring up the sand, shells,
etc., of the sea bottom. --Totten.

3. pl. (Naut.) Red dress cloths formerly hung fore and aft
outside of a ship's upper works on holidays.

{Arming press} (Bookbinding), a press for stamping titles and
designs on the covers of books.

  1. The vice president, who visited several Central American countries in June, also called on Nicaragua, Cuba and the Soviet Union to stop arming leftist guerrillas in El Salvador.
  2. We want peace to come to Afghanistan." At the teacher's training school, 18-year-old Adilla Dehquanzadeh said she wanted to ask President Bush why the Americans are arming the mujahedeen.
  3. Nor did he know that North had sought help from arms dealers Albert Hakim and Richard V. Secord, a retired Air Force major general, in arming the Contras.
  4. "I had a good offer so I came here, and I've been here ever since," said Allen Church, who works in Sandia's arming and firing division.
  5. From his logistics unit in Visoko, to the north of Sarajevo, he co-ordinated the arming of his fledgling forces. Former JNA comrades remember him as a 'pro-Yugoslav' soldier, a compliment considering that he now leads the enemy.
  6. Hearing a news report that people might be arming themselves, Mayor Ray Wieczorek urged them not to do anything foolhardy.
  7. He blamed the departing Indian peacekeeping force for "arming to the teeth" the Tamil National Army, which was created by pro-Indian Tamils shortly before the Indians withdrew from the Batticaloa area.
  8. He said the Kremlin has been arming the Afghan government for 35 years.
  9. Moreover, he said it would be unacceptable to stop arming the Afghan rebels unless the Soviet-backed regime ended military operations.
  10. Aoun wants international guarantees that Syria would stop arming its allies.
  11. But diplomats say the Americans and Soviets tacitly agreed if one side continues aiding and arming clients, the other side may do the same.
  12. The Contras cited the alleged arming of the civilian population when they missed several deadlines to disarm.
  13. If Ms. Bhutto's left-of-center Pakistan People's Party wins, analysts say, she will be faced either with arming the Kashmiris who cross the border demanding military help or dealing with opposition protests.
  14. India regularly accuses the majority Moslem nation of Pakistan of training and arming Moslem militants, who want either independence or union with Pakistan.
  15. A prisoner survey conducted by James D. Wright et al. found that unarmed felons listed tougher penalties for using a gun as an important reason for not arming themselves.
  16. Ovando y Bravo is attending the talks as a "witness." Bush alleged anew that the Sandinistas for their part are arming the Marxist rebels in El Salvador.
  17. The pressure must be kept up on Serbia, but pressure should be imposed on Croatia as well,' a foreign ministry official said. Despite pressure from public opinion, both in the US and Germany, Mr Kinkel does not support arming the Bosnian Moslems.
  18. And even among those who speak contemptuously of the government, the tendency is to question the decision of the United States to continue arming the guerrillas after the Soviets left Feb. 15.
  19. Pakistan and Afghanistan agreed not to interfere in each other's internal affairs under terms of the Geneva accord, and many observers say Pakistan's training and arming of Afghan guerrillas is a clear violation.
  20. He believes western powers have been culpable of fuelling conflict by arming their client states on the continent.
  21. The United States has maintained for the past five months that it will show restraint in arming the Afghan rebels only if Moscow does the same with its ally in Kabul.
  22. Soviet supply flights arrive regularly in Kabul and Najib's government says they will continue until the United States and Pakistan stop arming the guerrillas.
  23. Both the Soviets and the Afghans have accused Pakistan of violating the Geneva agreement by harboring and arming Moslem guerrillas.
  24. Richard Holbrooke, who was assistant secretary of state for Asian affairs in the Carter administration, said he also believes that arming the non-communist forces would be a mistake.
  25. India, where Hindus predominated, accuses Pakistan of arming the separatists.
  26. In another development, Afghanistan today requested an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to stop Pakistan's arming of anti-government rebels and warned it may be forced to use military force in self-defense.
  27. Somalia has accused neighboring Ethiopia of arming the rebels in violation of a 1987 pact between the two countries that ended their 11-year war and stipulated they would not arm each others' insurgents.
  28. Shultz said the U.S. will reserve its right to continue aid to the Afghan resistance as long as Moscow continues arming Kabul.
  29. To help ease worries about border violence, Shultz could press Moscow to cut off military supplies to Afghan forces if the U.S. quits arming the resistance.
  30. His sales pitch for financial aid and political sympathy is aimed in three directions: _The United States, which has been arming the Moslem fundamentalist guerrillas fighting the Afghan army.
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