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 announcer [ə'naʊnsɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 节目报告员, 宣告者

  1. She is an announcer in TV broadcast.
  2. The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.
  3. If that radio announcer doesn't get off the air, I'll stop breathing it.

[ noun ]
  1. someone who proclaims a message publicly

  2. <noun.person>
  3. reads news, commercials on radio or television

  4. <noun.person>

Announcer \An*noun"cer\, n.
One who announces.

  1. But the radio earlier reported the 10 dead, and it appeared the announcer meant to say there had been a total 62 dead from all 16 attacks.
  2. The presidential decrees, in legal language and read by an announcer, listed which points of the law and constitution the Estonian and Latvian measures violated.
  3. The truck driver, who was not identified, was watching the stunt when he sideswiped the car of WBZZ-FM announcer Tank Sherman, who was narrating the activity.
  4. Immovable Objects The announcer solemnly asks, "Do you know where your children are?"
  5. An announcer said the broadcast was one of the kidnappers' demands for Delgado Parker's release.
  6. Peter Grant, a prominent radio announcer and television newscaster in Cincinnati for four decades, died Dec. 10 at his home.
  7. As the pictures switch to a cheering crowd at the Republican convention, an announcer says, "It's the president who defines the character of a nation."
  8. Before coming to Muncie, Nickerson was news director of radio station WKAM in Goshen and an announcer with station KREO in Indio, Calif.
  9. When an announcer says, "You are cleared for takeoff," the child sends his airplane-shaped dish of food flying into the air.
  10. The nation is determined to survive in defiance of President Mouawad's assassins," the announcer on state-run Channel 7 said.
  11. An announcer appeared to say the broadcast was temporarily halted because some unidentified television workers disagreed with it.
  12. They also "have gotten a lot more sophisticated about using celebrities, rather than just exchanging a standup announcer for a celebrity," says Laurence Charles' Mr. Goldschmidt.
  13. Of course, there are female celebrities who do well in commercial announcing, including Sally Kellerman, who starred in the movie "MASH." But the Screen Actors Guild is fighting for the average announcer.
  14. Brent Musburger, the smooth-talking announcer who was the voice and face of CBS Sports in the '80s, was let go by the network April 1 after he and CBS failed to agree on a new contract.
  15. For ABC Sports announcer Al Michaels, the arrival of Brent Musburger from CBS this spring was nothing to worry about, although there was speculation that Musberger might unseat Michaels as ABC's top announcer.
  16. For ABC Sports announcer Al Michaels, the arrival of Brent Musburger from CBS this spring was nothing to worry about, although there was speculation that Musberger might unseat Michaels as ABC's top announcer.
  17. After World War II, he worked as an announcer and translator for Radio Moscow, married and had a son, Michael.
  18. Listeners to WETA-FM heard four minutes of empty air after announcer Bill Cerri began garbling his words and left his open microphone about 9 a.m.
  19. From the sublime to the ridiculous to the crazy: Joining Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen in the announcer's booth at NBC's Thanksgiving Day game between the Detroit Lions and the Kansas City Chiefs was Dr. Eric Margenau, a psychologist.
  20. The commercials dovetail with Exxon's message about the effects of the spill on Prince William Sound. "See its pristine shoreline, nearly restored after last year's spill," an announcer says.
  21. "Our fellow citizens, history has proved that Kuwait is a part of Iraq," said the statement, read by an unidentified announcer.
  22. A public address announcer chattered away about the rules of baseball, even during play, to a crowd just learning about the sport.
  23. KVIL-FM announcer Ron Chapman asked listeners to send in $20 without telling them why, and the station received $243,120 in four days.
  24. Near the end of the spot, the camera turns right side up and the announcer says, "You'll find this sporty new coupe so much fun, you may never look at Hyundai quite the same way again." The "Hyundai.
  25. Jay Stewart, announcer of the television game show "Let's Make a Deal," died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home in Hollywood, police said.
  26. "All conditions normal," said an announcer who gave reports every 10 seconds as the rocket soared into orbit in a flawless launch.
  27. "Robin hits home in 'Good Morning, Vietnam,'" the announcer says.
  28. Landecker said he once worked for a public relations company in Ponca City, Okla. He said he got the idea to advertise for a job from a radio announcer in Tulsa who rented a billboard and received several offers.
  29. He was more than an announcer, he was my co-star and my friend." "Let's Make a Deal" opened with a drum roll and Stewart's voice over a shot of three numbered doors.
  30. He fled to the Soviet Union when the party was declared illegal in 1947 and worked as an announcer for Radio Moscow.
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