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 anarchy ['ænәki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 无政府状态, 政治混乱

[法] 混乱, 无秩序, 无政府状态

  1. It is said that the country is in anarchy.
  2. If we do not have strong government, there will be rioting and anarchy.
  3. If law and order break down, anarchy will result.
    法治一垮, 就会出现无政府状态.

[ noun ]
a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)

Anarchy \An"arch*y\, n. [Gr. ?: cf. F. anarchie. See {Anarch}.]
1. Absence of government; the state of society where there is
no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political

Spread anarchy and terror all around. --Cowper.

2. Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.

There being then . . . an anarchy, as I may term it,
in authors and their re?koning of years. --Fuller.

  1. Philippine Sen. Aquilino Pimentel said the travel advisory was meant to show that the Philippines has falled into "anarchy and chaos" to justify moving the talks outside the country.
  2. Federal officials say FBI agents and Coast Guard officers found anarchy on hurricane-ravaged St. Croix just hours after the Virgin Islands' governor gave emphatic assurances the island was peaceful.
  3. "In failing to reflect what we have forgotten and what we have learned, it invites mischief, rebellion and anarchy.
  4. Henri Namphy, who heads the three-man provisional government that succeeded former President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier, has said on television that his country is on the "brink of anarchy" and civil war.
  5. On Monday night, Interior Minister Czeslaw Kiszczak said troops would be sent to secure major industrial plants to prevent anarchy, although none were in evidence at the plants Tuesday.
  6. Past rivalry over Somalia has been replaced by near indifference. In the seven months since General Siad Barre abandoned the capital to competing factions, the country has descended into a state of anarchy from which recovery will be a forbidding task.
  7. In Nairobi officials of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) said foreign companies were exploiting the anarchy in the country to dump toxic waste offshore.
  8. A state of technical anarchy set in, which in its ugliest manifestation led to the decapitation of more than 40 police and alleged government agents.
  9. The US relief effort, the largest ever undertaken in Africa, aims to restore order to starvation-struck Somalia, which has fallen into a state of anarchy.
  10. Those who have fled tell of near anarchy in their once peaceful and prosperous city-state.
  11. The move followed a warning from President Mikhail S. Gorbachev that stoppages could ruin the economy and lead to anarchy.
  12. Lately, the Soviets "haven't been buying anything except ready-to-eat items that they need to avoid revolution or anarchy," said John Schnittker, a Washington-based agricultural consultant.
  13. Generally the motivation isn't for gain through blackmail, it's just anarchy,' says Mr Douglas.
  14. Not a glance at the link between sexual restraint and social cohesion in the mind of a middle-class terrified of godlessness and anarchy. Anecdotes reveal such complex influences on sexual behaviour better than theories and statistics.
  15. With one exception, the article cites anonymous sources regarding Rohrabacher's alleged drug use, which purportedly occurred during a time when he backed the legalization of drugs and espoused anarchy.
  16. It's cinematic anarchy, a free-for-all in the cheap seats.
  17. He said soldiers were restrained at first, but that changed when "dishonest elements" took over the protests. "The people are now facing anarchy of the violence-makers," he said.
  18. Rodimer called the protest "attempted anarchy." The rebel nuns had said they had feared they would be evicted for protesting the changes, which were initiated by their mother superior, prioress Theresa Hewitt.
  19. 'Maastricht is designed precisely to ensure that this free market is not simply anarchy.'
  20. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the court's 6-3 majority, said it "would be courting anarchy" to let a few do what is illegal for everyone else.
  21. Of course, it may not be that Mr. Cowles is advocating anarchy.
  22. His economic reforms, so far only partly successful, must complete Turkey's transformation lest Islamic fundamentalism or old-style political anarchy return.
  23. Also made evident was the electorate's unwillingness to return to the violence and anarchy with which the Peronists had come to be associated.
  24. But they couldn't hold back the country's slide into anarchy and terror.
  25. Freedom is not anarchy; rules, laws, checks and balances are necessary.
  26. Worse yet, he argues, governments will fail to produce the necessary political, economic and social reforms, and Japanese politics will move from its current consensual paralysis to a state of confrontation and anarchy.
  27. They will be wiped out by the people." The rally was one of nine scheduled over the next few days in Dhaka by Ershad's Jatiya Party to counter what it called "anarchy and terrorism launched by the opposition."
  28. For some party officials, he said _ referring to the dogmatic party wing opposed to a free-market economy _ such an innovation is tantamount to "anarchy" and the abandonment of socialism.
  29. Protests continued after Maung Maung took over and widespread strikes, demonstrations, looting and lawlessness have paralyzed the economy and pushed the nation towards anarchy.
  30. In announcing the move, Interior Minister Czeslaw Kiszczak said the recent wave of strikes raised a "specter of anarchy" over Poland.
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