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 altitude ['æltitju:d]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 高度, 海拔, 高处

[电] 高度

  1. The airliner flew at an altitude of 20000ft.
  2. In these altitudes snow never melts.
  3. At this altitude you often get strong winds.

[ noun ]
  1. elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface

  2. <noun.attribute>
    the altitude gave her a headache
  3. the perpendicular distance from the base of a geometric figure to the opposite vertex (or side if parallel)

  4. <noun.shape>
  5. angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object)

  6. <noun.linkdef>

Altitude \Al"ti*tude\, n. [L. altitudo, fr. altus high. Cf.
{Altar}, {Haughty}, {Enhance}.]
1. Space extended upward; height; the perpendicular elevation
of an object above its foundation, above the ground, or
above a given level, or of one object above another; as,
the altitude of a mountain, or of a bird above the top of
a tree.

2. (Astron.) The elevation of a point, or star, or other
celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc
of a vertical circle intercepted between such point and
the horizon. It is either true or apparent; true when
measured from the rational or real horizon, apparent when
from the sensible or apparent horizon.

3. (Geom.) The perpendicular distance from the base of a
figure to the summit, or to the side parallel to the base;
as, the altitude of a triangle, pyramid, parallelogram,
frustum, etc.

4. Height of degree; highest point or degree.

He is [proud] even to the altitude of his virtue.

5. Height of rank or excellence; superiority. --Swift.

6. pl. Elevation of spirits; heroics; haughty airs. [Colloq.]

The man of law began to get into his altitude. --Sir
W. Scott.

{Meridian altitude}, an arc of the meridian intercepted
between the south point on the horizon and any point on
the meridian. See {Meridian}, 3.

  1. Angels 7 means the plane's altitude is 7,000 feet.
  2. But geologists say even though there is evidence of a flood in Mesopotamia in Sumerian times, they maintain it is not possible for a ship to make landfall at an altitude as high as Mount Ararat.
  3. Its ability to fly with even less power would depend on a number of factors including weight, temperature, pressure and altitude, Ms. Randle said.
  4. The Daedalus can travel at an altitude of 15 feet with a top speed of 14 mph and stretches 30 feet from propeller to tail.
  5. "The plan has great potential for danger because of the altitude of the helicopter in the towing position.
  6. Maier said pilot error was the most likely cause of the crash because radar data showed the plane was flying about 1,000 feet below the correct altitude for preparing to land.
  7. "Yeah, but we're losing altitude," Slader said.
  8. To make it safely back to the runway here, the astronauts had to "fly" the simulator to an altitude of about 75 miles and about 400 miles east of here while fuel was exhausted.
  9. The pontiff, a skier, spoke in a strong voice and showed no outward signs of being affected by altitude sickness, which Bolivians call "sorocche."
  10. After an unidentified crewman called out "altitude," the pilot applied additional power to arrest his descent.
  11. That broke a world-class maximum altitude record of 56,046 feet set by Italian Mario Pezzi in a Caproni biplane in October 1938.
  12. A fighter jet crashed and exploded in a giant fireball at ceremonies honoring the Indian air force Sunday after the pilot apparently misjudged the plane's altitude and tried an extra acrobatic maneuver, officials said.
  13. "I happened to see a plane going very low," said another witness, David Johnson. "At the altitude it was at I really could not hear any engines.
  14. A small plane that crashed into a shopping center, killing three people and igniting a fire that destroyed four stores, had been unable to gain altitude after taking off, an investigator said.
  15. Velayati said the plane is identified, its altitude and course given, its destination known and its transponder was on and transmitting its identity on an internationally recognized civilian channel.
  16. The Churro adapted to dramatic desert climate changes, altitude, limited water resources and forage conditions, and Navajo flocks soon numbered in the hundreds of thousands.
  17. Investigators said the single-engine Mooney M-20C was on the radar screen, but without altitude information the controller would not have known the two planes were about to collide.
  18. In complaining about the airline's safety concerns, Knudson, who has been with Eastern for 21 years, said he was grounded for six days in September 1987 after refusing to fly a plane with a broken altitude alert.
  19. Elbrus, a non-trivial peak in terms of altitude, but not one of those grey eminences that requires major gymnastic feats of dangling and derring-do on the way up.
  20. The A-10, a twin-engine jet designed to support troops by killing enemy tanks and other ground targets, is an older model plane designed to be highly maneuverable at low speeds and low altitude and to carry a lot of bombs and ammunition.
  21. The Pentagon said information gathered by the cruiser showed the plane was descending in altitude on an "attack profile," but Iran said the plane was climbing.
  22. The six people in Anholm's study were among eight paid volunteers who lived for 40 days in a large low-pressure chamber in Natick, Mass., as part of a larger Army-funded study of the effects of high altitude.
  23. The paper said investigators think that once a hole was blown in the side of the jet and the electronics bay _ its nerve center _ destroyed, the air pressure at the high altitude literally ripped the jet apart.
  24. Newman said that at one point, a bit delirious from the altitude, he chucked a $4,000 radio _ and only later noticed a jar of peanut butter that weighed as much.
  25. Still, at the end of the Champion course, many members of the group said they had enjoyed it despite blistered feet and altitude headaches from the thin mountain air.
  26. Generally, controllers are required to keep airliners that are flying on the same altitude within Terminal Control Areas three miles apart.
  27. Hungarians angry about the noise caused by low-flying Soviet military jets have succeeded in persuading the Soviets to reduce the number of training flights and to fly at a higher altitude, it was reported this week.
  28. Q. Mr. Secretary, you said that their _ our F-14s reduced altitude and changed their headings, and the MiGs positioned themselves back on their head.
  29. As a demonstration of their power, the cinematic terrorists reset an altitude reading transmitted from the tower to approaching planes.
  30. The report said that at Gander the crew failed to notice ice on the wings, which prevented the plane from gaining altitude after it lifted off, and they set the wrong takeoff speed.
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