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 alluvion [ә'lu:viәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 冲积层, 击岸波

[法] 冲积地, 新生地, 泛滥

    [ noun ]
    1. gradual formation of new land, by recession of the sea or deposit of sediment

    2. <noun.process>
    3. the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land

    4. <noun.phenomenon>
      plains fertilized by annual inundations
    5. clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down

    6. <noun.object>

    Alluvion \Al*lu"vi*on\, n. [F. alluvion, L. alluvio, fr. alluere
    to wash against; ad + luere, equiv. to lavare, to wash. See
    1. Wash or flow of water against the shore or bank.

    2. An overflowing; an inundation; a flood. --Lyell.

    3. Matter deposited by an inundation or the action of flowing
    water; alluvium.

    The golden alluvions are there [in California and
    Australia] spread over a far wider space: they are
    found not only on the banks of rivers, and in their
    beds, but are scattered over the surface of vast
    plains. --R. Cobden.

    4. (Law) An accession of land gradually washed to the shore
    or bank by the flowing of water. See {Accretion}.

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