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 algorism ['ælgə`rɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 十进制

[经] 啊拉伯数字, 十进位计数法

  1. A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
  2. According to the requirement of industry control system, on the basis of comparativeness and analysis of the existing combustion control method of steam generator, mainly through the research of the combustion control system of steam generator, a control

[ noun ]
  1. the Arabic (or decimal) system of numeration

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. computation with Arabic figures

  4. <noun.cognition>

Algorism \Al"go*rism\, Algorithm \Al"go*rithm\, n. [OE.
algorism, algrim, augrim, OF. algorisme, F. algorithme (cf.
Sp. algoritmo, OSp. alguarismo, LL. algorismus), fr. the Ar.
al-Khow[=a]rezm[=i] of Khow[=a]rezm, the modern Khiwa,
surname of Abu Ja'far Mohammed ben Mus[=a], author of a work
on arithmetic early in the 9th century, which was translated
into Latin, such books bearing the name algorismus. The
spelling with th is due to a supposed connection with Gr. ?
1. The art of calculating by nine figures and zero;
computation with Arabic figures.

2. the Arabic system of numeration.

Syn: decimal system
[WordNet 1.5]

3. The art of calculating with any species of notation; as,
the algorithms of fractions, proportions, surds, etc.

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