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 agonizingly   添加此单词到默认生词本
使人烦恼地, 苦闷地

    [ adv ]
    in a very painful manner
    the progress was agonizingly slow

    Agonizingly \Ag"o*ni`zing*ly\, adv.
    With extreme anguish or desperate struggles.

    1. Aided by a witty script by Jeffrey Price and Peter Seaman, Zemeckis retains control throughout what must have been an agonizingly complicated production.
    2. Volunteers drilled a shaft parallel to the well, their progress made agonizingly slow because the hard rock dulled even diamond-tipped drill bits.
    3. Jury selection in Circuit Court for Baltimore City had been proceeding at an agonizingly slow pace, because the trial is expected to last six months.
    4. Officers had their hands full controlling the crowds that came to gawk at the destruction and were as frustrated as anyone with the agonizingly slow search.
    5. Progress was "agonizingly slow," he says.
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