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 aggression [ə'grɛʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 侵犯, 侵略

[医] 攻击

  1. In ruling out the defense of Korea, they invited aggression in that area, they thought they were going to have peace, it brought war.
  2. One that engages in aggression.
  3. Only so can aggression be checked.

[ noun ]
  1. a disposition to behave aggressively

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack

  4. <noun.feeling>
  5. violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked

  6. <noun.act>
  7. the act of initiating hostilities

  8. <noun.act>
  9. deliberately unfriendly behavior

  10. <noun.act>

Aggression \Ag*gres"sion\, n. [L. aggressio, fr. aggredi: cf. F.
The first attack, or act of hostility; the first act of
injury, or first act leading to a war or a controversy;
unprovoked attack; assault; as, a war of aggression.
``Aggressions of power.'' --Hallam

Syn: Attack; offense; intrusion; provocation.

  1. "Rarely has the international community been so united and determined that aggression should not succeed," U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III told the council.
  2. "Our armed forces will close in an iron rank against those who try to challenge us and will make Iraq and Kuwait a grave yard for those who launch any aggression," the Iraqi statement said.
  3. That would eventually force Saddam to stop his military aggression, Grimmett said.
  4. The Iraqi letter declared that the interview "constitutes a confession setting forth the true purposes and objectives of the aggression." The secretary-general, obliged to honor such requests, duly circulated the transcript.
  5. The scholars, attending a symposium on the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-45, said Japanese aggression against China during that period was firmly maintained by the international community.
  6. "We hope that all citizens will buy their needs so they may overcome any shortages that might result from an aggression on our oil installations," said the announcement, published in the government's Al-Jumhuriya newspaper.
  7. At last count, 22 countries have either responded to a request from Saudi Arabia to help deter further aggression, or are contributing maritime forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 665.
  8. Alcohol tends to unleash aggression in hot weather, he said.
  9. On Sept. 4, Secretary of State James A. Baker III told Congress the United States needs "a new regional security structure" in the Middle East to deter Iraqi aggression the way NATO checked the Soviets in Europe.
  10. Maps inside the museum are dotted with sites of "imperialist aggression," a battle plan for the U.S.-sponsored Bay of Pigs debacle in 1961.
  11. People are not ready to buy the goods when they see than an Arab had touched them." President Mikhail S. Gorbachev forcefully warned Saddam Hussein Monday that the unity of those nations allied against Iraqi aggression cannot be broken.
  12. Ramadan said his country's "strike capabilities could shake and burn any spot from which aggression was launched," the Iraqi News Agency reported.
  13. It cites a 1985 resolution passed after Israel bombed the PLO headquarters, which denounced "acts of aggression," and in the preamble notes Tunisia complained to the council about a new Israeli act of aggression.
  14. It cites a 1985 resolution passed after Israel bombed the PLO headquarters, which denounced "acts of aggression," and in the preamble notes Tunisia complained to the council about a new Israeli act of aggression.
  15. "It is an aberration to speak of democracy and carry out aggression," she said.
  16. Steroid users of either gender may also show liver disorders and "'roid rage," which is increased aggression and antisocial behavior.
  17. He also said the car bomb attack "will not be the last one." "We expect an Israeli aggression any minute and we are confident that the sons of Islam will be victorious," he said.
  18. Because they deter aggression.
  19. He didn't propose any detailed aid plans for the two nations, but he called the Philippines a "heroic democracy ravaged by communist-led insurrection" and Afghanistan "a victim of brutal aggression."
  20. Since Iraq invaded Kuwait, Israelis have remained glued to their radios, hoping that their ally the United States would rein in Saddam's aggression.
  21. What we're doing is standing up against naked aggression." Bush's appearances have increasingly attracted anti-war protesters around the country.
  22. Ortega said the pact shows "the willingness of the Cuban people and government to cooperate with the people and government of Nicaragua to better face the critical situation that North American aggression is imposing on us.
  23. "All of this taken together, I think, can only send a very clear signal that the international community is united in wanting to see a reversal of this aggression," Baker said as he posed for pictures with Italian President Francesco Cossiga.
  24. Angry and forceful, the president again condemned Iraq's aggression and said, "This will not stand." Bush dispatched Secretary Dick Cheney to Saudi Arabia to confer with leaders of the desert kingdom, administration sources said.
  25. Since the third year of the eight-year war with Iran, President Saddam has survived in large part by posing as the saviour of his people against external aggression.
  26. Using a map of the region with Nicaragua painted bright red, the president warned that abandonment of the Contras would lead to the spread of communism and give Moscow a "beachhead for aggression against the United States."
  27. Mr Read, formerly a high flyer with GEC Marconi, has been brought in to bring new aggression and focus to Logica's market presence.
  28. "We can't begin to guess how many potential stars have died from this aggression, or how many future stars will die," he says.
  29. We deplore this blatant use of military aggression in violation of the U.N. charter.
  30. He is arrogant, charmless and possessed of an outsize business aggression which has driven Microsoft to annual sales of more than Dollars 2.5bn but won him few friends on the way. But this is merely the point at which Cringely begins to turn the knife.
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