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 aftermath ['ɑ:ftәmæθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 结果, 后果

[法] 后果, 结果

  1. A result of an event; an aftermath.
  2. A series of consequences wrought by an event; aftermath.
  3. The aftermath of mistake took by yourself.

[ noun ]
  1. the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event)

  2. <noun.phenomenon>
    the aftermath of war
    in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured
  3. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual

  4. <noun.event>

Aftermath \Aft"er*math\, n. [After + math. See {Math}.]
A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop
of hay in the same season; rowen. --Holland.

  1. A poll of more than 1,000 top executives indicated their confidence in the U.S. economy is recovering in the aftermath of the stock market's collapse six months ago.
  2. For this is a play about the aftermath of war: its survivors, refugees, and criminals.
  3. It is hard for many of us to forget the employment problems of 1974-75 and the aftermath of inflation and disruption all along the line.
  4. There was speculation that the Bank of Japan might decide to raise its discount rate over the weekend in the aftermath of Thursday's round of rate rises around Europe, led by the West German Bundesbank.
  5. At the same time, it has not extended formal diplomatic recognition to Lithuania in the aftermath of Lithuania's March 11 declaration of independence, which Moscow considers illegal.
  6. Officials attributed the problems in part to industry competition and price cutting, as well as the aftermath of the October 1987 stock-market crash.
  7. Airlines say that such mistakes are decreasing in the aftermath of Sioux City, but proponents of the safety devices say they still get complaints from parents.
  8. In the aftermath of an 11% decline from a year earlier, Zale disclosed plans to shut nearly 500 stores, a move that should leave it with annual sales of about $1 billion.
  9. East German Finance Minister Walter Romberg sounded the alarm in an interview with Bonn's Die Welt newspaper last week, when he appealed to Bonn for closer cooperation in the critical aftermath of monetary union.
  10. But in the aftermath of the earthquake, "the world then saw another man," the commentator said.
  11. In the aftermath of this accord, 100% of the American troops and 90% of U.S. nuclear weapons now in Europe will remain.
  12. The beauty products manufacturer has been under pressure to enhance profitability in the aftermath of unsolicited takeover proposals that Avon's board rejected.
  13. We don't want to frighten them but to prepare them.' Even so, the aftermath of an attack on a branch may be difficult for employees to cope with.
  14. Thousands of files listing STB informants were destroyed in the aftermath of the peaceful November revolution that overturned Communist domination.
  15. It's expecting even bigger things from Wall Street, the aftermath.
  16. The stock market strengthened slightly today because of post-Labor Day buying interest in the aftermath of the big runup during the previous session, although trading remained slow.
  17. But the current hostage drama revives the serious issue of the war's aftermath.
  18. Meanwhile, Mr. Pardee and others say speculation is growing that the economy is weakening in the aftermath of the stock market's collapse in mid-October.
  19. In public the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Tunis this week have expressed deep anxiety over the prospects of salvaging the peace process in the aftermath of the Hebron massacre.
  20. True they showed little gratitude in the aftermath of war.
  21. In the aftermath, Soviet-American relations hit a low point.
  22. In the aftermath, sprinkler systems were installed in schools with wood-based construction, Edward Prendergast, chief fire prevention engineer with the Chicago Fire Department, said Wednesday.
  23. Mr Forlani offered to step down in the immediate aftermath of the elections, and resigned formally two months later.
  24. Virginia rivers cleared their banks Sunday, flooding part of downtown Richmond, in the aftermath of weekend storms that killed at least 23 people throughout the South.
  25. In the aftermath of World War II, while the rest of Europe was struggling back to its feet, Austria was occupied until 1955 by the Soviet Union, the U.S., France and Britain.
  26. Significantly, most studies also show that it is the management of the aftermath, rather than the disaster itself, that determines the shape in which a company emerges from a crisis.
  27. Sikhs and human rights activists have accused Kumar of personally leading death squads in the aftermath of Mrs. Gandhi's assassination.
  28. Adds Lloyd Lynford, president of Reis Reports, a real estate market research firm in New York: "We're seeing the positive flip side of the decline of real estate values in the aftermath of October 1987.
  29. "The army is in love with its image," said a Western diplomat, arguing the military wanted no part in breaking up the anti-government demonstration or dealing with the aftermath.
  30. Soviet TV showed footage of the accident's aftermath, including the blood-splattered interior of one of the red-and-white gondolas. The other gondola dangled from a cable above the apartment building but appeared to have been ripped apart.
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