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 advisability [əd`vaɪzə'bɪlətɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 明智

  1. But freedom is one thing, advisability quite another.
  2. But for those people who know love, love is unparallel advisability.
  3. Advisability is nothing but the fragrance of rose that is flowering in your heart.

[ noun ]
the quality of being advisable
they questioned the advisability of our policy

Advisability \Ad*vis`a*bil"i*ty\, n.
The quality of being advisable; advisableness.

  1. The management of the Arabian-American Oil Company, or Aramco, was reported to be weighing the advisability of evacuating some of its 38,000 expatriate employees or dependents.
  2. "It is no wonder that some politicians have called into question the advisability of holding celebrations at all," Tass said.
  3. "We should therefore carefully re-evaluate the advisability of insisting on the retention of sanctions given the new developments in the country and abroad," the 73-year-old leader said.
  4. It is likely the participants will discuss growing fears of renewed inflation and the advisability of a round of interest-rate increases in response to higher rates in the U.S.
  5. Two former Pentagon officials, testifying before the panel, took differing positions on the advisability of going forward with the FSX deal.
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