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 adverse possession 添加此单词到默认生词本
【法】 相反占有权

    Adverse \Ad"verse\, a. [OE. advers, OF. avers, advers, fr. L.
    adversus, p. p. advertere to turn to. See {Advert}.]
    1. Acting against, or in a contrary direction; opposed;
    contrary; opposite; conflicting; as, adverse winds; an
    adverse party; a spirit adverse to distinctions of caste.

    2. Opposite. ``Calpe's adverse height.'' --Byron.

    3. In hostile opposition to; unfavorable; unpropitious;
    contrary to one's wishes; unfortunate; calamitous;
    afflictive; hurtful; as, adverse fates, adverse
    circumstances, things adverse.

    Happy were it for us all if we bore prosperity as
    well and wisely as we endure an adverse fortune.

    {Adverse possession} (Law), a possession of real property
    avowedly contrary to some claim of title in another
    person. --Abbott.

    Syn: Averse; reluctant; unwilling. See {Averse}.

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