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 addition [ə'diʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 加法, 增加的人(或物)

[计] 加法

[化] 附加; 加入量

[医] 加, 添加

[经] 增添(有关固定资产者)

  1. In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.
  2. The little girl is not very clever at addition.
  3. Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.

[ noun ]
  1. a component that is added to something to improve it

  2. <noun.artifact>
    the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement
    the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor
  3. the act of adding one thing to another

  4. <noun.act>
    the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect
    the addition of a leap day every four years
  5. a quantity that is added

  6. <noun.quantity>
    there was an addition to property taxes this year
    they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks
  7. something added to what you already have

  8. <noun.possession>
    the librarian shelved the new accessions
    he was a new addition to the staff
  9. a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area

  10. <noun.location>
  11. the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers

  12. <noun.act>
    the summation of four and three gives seven
    four plus three equals seven

Addition \Ad*di"tion\, n. [F. addition, L. additio, fr. addere
to add.]
1. The act of adding two or more things together; -- opposed
to {subtraction} or {diminution}. ``This endless addition
or addibility of numbers.'' --Locke.

2. Anything added; increase; augmentation; as, a piazza is an
addition to a building.

3. (Math.) That part of arithmetic which treats of adding

4. (Mus.) A dot at the right side of a note as an indication
that its sound is to be lengthened one half. [R.]

5. (Law) A title annexed to a man's name, to identify him
more precisely; as, John Doe, Esq.; Richard Roe, Gent.;
Robert Dale, Mason; Thomas Way, of New York; a mark of
distinction; a title.

6. (Her.) Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of
honor; -- opposed to {abatement}.

{Vector addition} (Geom.), that kind of addition of two
lines, or vectors, AB and BC, by which their sum is
regarded as the line, or vector, AC.

Syn: Increase; accession; augmentation; appendage; adjunct.

  1. In addition, union and management have promised to work together to resolve problems arising from layoffs, production schedule changes, major investments and day-to-day decisions once left entirely to management.
  2. In addition to the surging orders, Boeing attributed its earnings rise to lower new-business expense in areas such as research and development, which dropped to $382 million for the first six months, compared with $399 million for the year-ago period.
  3. So we believe that the addition of Joe will cause them to come home." Frank says NBC, in seeking the top "Today" ratings of yesteryear, is hoping to "recapture some of that warmth and family appeal" the show once had.
  4. That the party probably would ask for the powerful ministries of foreign affairs and finance, in addition ot defense and internal affairs.
  5. In addition, there is a popular tradition of rivalry between Poles and Czechs, neighboring Slavic peoples.
  6. In addition to the Atlantic states, rain and occasional thunderstorms also spread over the upper Ohio Valley and the northern and central Appalachians.
  7. A pledge by the Contras not to dispatch any forces into Nicaragua from base camps in Honduras, in addition to withdrawing 2,000 of their estimated 5,000 troops based in Nicaragua.
  8. But Concorde still attracts its regular fliers, of whom some travel every week, and those individuals who are willing to pay the supersonic premium to arrive fresh. In addition, Concorde continues to attract a busy charter business.
  9. The bill unveiled Thursday requires the whipping post in addition to jail time for anyone convicted of dealing hard drugs or involving children in the drug world.
  10. In addition, Strato and Teles products will be integrated in mutual campaigns.
  11. Dr. John L. Zabriskie, senior vice president, will be president of the new unit in addition to his current corporate duties.
  12. In addition, the commission ruled that the phones must allow customers to make local or long-distance calls with coins or calling cards.
  13. In addition, the banks said, the Bank of Delaware Corp. granted PNC Financial an option to purchase up to 1.6 million shares of Bank of Delaware stock at 0.7 times the market price of PNC Financial common stock at the close of business Wednesday.
  14. In addition, Gerald Wyman, vice president, mining, was named interim chief operating officer.
  15. He added that production should increase to 150,000 barrels a day with the addition of Parker's new technology and services from 25,000 barrels a day currently.
  16. Southern Pacific and Calnev have agreed to buy 22 homes, including those destroyed or damaged in addition to others deemed in an unsafe location.
  17. In addition, employees-turned-entrepreneurs are often ill-prepared for their new roles.
  18. In addition, to make acceptance of the exit bonds more attractive, Brazil plans to propose that these bonds should offer a competitive yield, would rank as senior Brazilian debt and could be used to make debt-equity swaps, the official said.
  19. The Texas Instruments machine has less memory than Compaq's LTE386s-20, but it's lighter at 5.7 pounds and has a bigger screen. In addition, the TI machine includes the DOS operating system, which costs extra on the Compaq model.
  20. In addition, I propose the following further reforms to the budget process: (1) Joint budget resolution.
  21. In addition to the cash bid, the winning consortium has to pay 2 per cent of qualifying revenue for the first three years and 8 per cent for the remaining seven years. Oracle Teletext came second with a bid of Pounds 6.676m.
  22. In addition, employers are not required to contribute to the funds for woerkers on an unauthorized strike.
  23. The aid is in addition to the $119 million aid package President Bush announced earlier this summer, nearly half of which was earmarked for food assistance.
  24. In addition, McDermott International eased 1 to 30 1/2 after reporting that its loss from continuing operations for its fiscal fourth quarter, ended in March, widened from a year earlier.
  25. In addition, the three are subject to forfeiture proceedings on virtually all money they have made through their Drexel dealings since 1984, an estimated $1.85 billion.
  26. In addition it would limit provider liability, give tax credits to employers with on-site child care and offer a double tax exemption to families in which a parent stayed home for six months to care for a newborn.
  27. In addition, Cadillac is guaranteeing the resale value for leased 1987 model Allantes, some dealers said.
  28. In addition to the ban on payments to the Panamanian government, the administration also has effectively frozen all Panamanian assets in the United States.
  29. In judging its monetary policy, the Fed has indicated it is monitoring the value of the dollar, commodity prices and the difference between short- and long-term interest rates in addition to the two broader money supply measures.
  30. In addition to the children whose ages ranged from 5 to 13 years old, and the clerk, about eight other people witnessed the shooting.
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