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 acrylic [ә'krilik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 丙烯酸的

[医] 丙烯酸的

  1. A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber.
  2. In this painting, the house is acrylic, but the girl is oil.
  3. The old DIY acrylic light rack fits perfectly onto this tank.

[ noun ]
  1. polymerized from acrylonitrile

  2. <noun.substance>
  3. a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives

  4. <noun.substance>
  5. used especially by artists

  6. <noun.artifact>
  7. a synthetic fabric

  8. <noun.artifact>

Acrylic \A*cryl"ic\, a.
1. (Chem.) Of or containing acryl, the hypothetical radical
of which acrolein is the hydride; as, acrylic acid. The
characteristic residue in an acrylic compound is the
carbonyl group attached directly to an ethylenic carbon.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. same as {acrylic resin}.

3. same as {acrylic fiber}.

4. a paint in which the pigment is suspended in a solution of
an {acrylic resin}, which dries to a hard film on exposure
to air.

5. a painting made using an acrylic paint.

  1. "It was a fluke," she says. "We had a wonderful makeup man. He was using some kind of linseed oil to remove the acrylic makeup from my face.
  2. Hydrogen cyanide is used as a raw material by chemical companies, forming the base for such things as acrylic waxes and food packaging, and to kill rodents and insects in ship holds.
  3. Among other things, she has added spray-painted touches to the acrylic flowers and stems she sells rather than use a supplier.
  4. He was equally at ease with chalk, ink, watercolors, acrylic and oils.
  5. Mr. Necci points to Enimont's agreement last month to buy Orkem S.A.'s low-density polyethylene while selling the French state-owned company its Vedril subsidiary, which produces acrylic glass.
  6. Then there's Parker Pen's Duofold, a $300 pen drilled from a solid block of acrylic, trimmed in 22-karat gold and guaranteed not to explode under airplane pressure.
  7. The highest price at Saturday's auction was for an acrylic on galvanized steel by American artist Robert Rauschenberg, which went for $73,000 to New York decorator Tony Ingrao.
  8. Ms. Tannenbaum, a retired bookeeper from Tamarac, personalizes the yarmulkes using acrylic paint and glitter.
  9. He notes that Du Pont has closed an operation that made acrylic fiber, which the company well nigh invented.
  10. New Zealand Consulate General, Manhattan: Thirteen recent paintings (acrylic on paper) by artist John Robinson, in his first exhibition outside his native New Zealand.
  11. Monsanto now believes that price increases in consumer products, such as acrylic sweaters, would be small. The company says it doesn't know when prices might actually rise.
  12. So when the signature acrylic painting "Piano Man" by Bearden protege Verna Hart came up for bid, Hampton was ready.
  13. Every three weeks, she paints a new acrylic design on her long, long nails.
  14. The very scale on which she sets these larger imaginative compositions, and the materials she chooses - acrylic paint or graphite on huge sheets of paper - together present her with real technical difficulties.
  15. Some are going upscale with items such as leather coats and acrylic globes.
  16. Made of newer plastics, such as silicone or acrylic, they can be folded or rolled up and inserted through even smaller incisions.
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