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 accumulating [ə'kjumjə`let添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.
  2. A lottery, typically with an accumulating jackpot, in which participants play numbers of their choice in a random drawing.
  3. A reserved area of storage for accumulating certain data.

Accumulate \Ac*cu"mu*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Accumulated};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Accumulating}.] [L. accumulatus, p. p. of
accumulare; ad + cumulare to heap. See {Cumulate}.]
To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring
together; to amass; as, to accumulate a sum of money.

Syn: To collect; pile up; store; amass; gather; aggregate;
heap together; hoard.

  1. Business inventories climbed in May for the 17th consecutive month, the government said, but sales also rose strongly, easing economists' worries that too many goods are accumulating on shelves and back lots.
  2. Mr. Fairfax said his revised bid is conditioned on Tryart's accumulating at least 75% of John Fairfax Ltd.'s shares.
  3. Lois Burleigh, director of equity investments at ASB Capital Management in Washington, has been buying Amoco and Arco, and lately has been accumulating British Petroleum.
  4. From 1982 through 1985 it didn't pay any, accumulating about $73 million in credits.
  5. He contends that the only groups accumulating the stock are longer-term institutional holders.
  6. These clubs usually start in the fall, just as the holiday season is about to begin and when many consumers realize they should have saved more for gifts, and are aimed at accumulating money for the following Christmas.
  7. The National Weather Service issued a storm warning for New York and predicted possible heavy snow, accumulating four to six inches, along with heavy winds.
  8. Canadian Pacific Ltd. stock hit an all-time high in very heavy New York Stock Exchange composite trading Friday, buoyed by rumors that acquisitive British conglomerate Hanson PLC is accumulating shares.
  9. When an agency of the Quebec government began accumulating the company's stock eight years ago, the federal government introduced a bill to forbid a province from owning more than 10% of a national transport concern.
  10. It couldn't be learned how much the Belzbergs paid for their shares or when they began accumulating them, but just since Nov. 19, the value of their holdings went up about $25 million, based on the $45 a share they received.
  11. The limit on terms is bound to anger officials who spent years accumulating power and privilege.
  12. Underlining the difference in the government's stance, the Kuwait Investment Office in recent weeks has snapped up many of the new BP shares, accumulating a stake of more than 15%.
  13. But the investor said earlier this week that he was "very busy" buying one stock and "quietly" accumulating two others.
  14. Traders said that rumours that an US car group was accumulating Honda shares triggered speculative activity.
  15. The requirement would be suspended if the merger is approved by two-thirds of directors, or if the acquirer pays all holders the same price per share that was paid in accumulating its initial stake.
  16. A federal investigation into the blast found that some Pyro Mining Co. managers knew that explosive methane gas was accumulating in the mine four days before the explosion, but they did not maintain required records that would have alerted others.
  17. As Pargesa and GBL tidy up, they are accumulating cash, giving Messrs. Frere and Desmarais a war chest of unknown size.
  18. Sole, rockfish and sablefish _ which are eaten by humans _ feed on worms and tiny shrimp that feed in these sediments and are most likely accumulating the radioactivity, scientists say.
  19. "We thought the market had discounted an awful lot." Earlier this week, Mr. Friess finished accumulating positions in stocks such as Apple Computer and Compaq Computer, and he was nibbling at other stocks yesterday.
  20. The reason: USX was accumulating a stockpile in case of a strike.
  21. Stock prices declined slightly today amid accumulating evidence of weakness in the economy.
  22. Mr. Fabbri says he thinks long-term investors can begin accumulating some government bonds but says there's no rush; he expects rates to shoot up well above 9%.
  23. With cash still accumulating and no sign of a strategic move, it will be difficult for the shares to move ahead without evidence that sales momentum has been restored.
  24. Mr. Heath said he bought blocks of stock annually in the holding company, under a company stock-purchase plan, accumulating shares with a book value of more than $300,000 between 1979 and 1985.
  25. The Paute scheme, which supplies a third of the country's power, is threatened by the quantity of sediment accumulating in the reservoir.
  26. Stock prices were mixed today in an ambivalent response to accumulating evidence of weakness in the economy.
  27. Glenn S. Daily, a New York insurance analyst, advises buying no-commission policies because they give holders "a big head start" in accumulating policy value.
  28. Castro confided to a visitor recently that he hasn't had a day off in months because mf his accumulating troubles, but he also seems to relish the new challenges.
  29. The SEC complaint said that beginning in January 1989, Bayaa and Terhrani began accumulating Southland securities in various broker accounts opened in the names of friends and family members.
  30. Over this same time period, however, foreign central banks have been accumulating large stocks of dollars trying to support the exchange rate.
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