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 accommodating [ə'kɑmə`detɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 与人方便的, 肯通融的

  1. The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.
  2. A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodating and preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form.
  3. An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans at night in the Near or Far East.

[ adj ]
  1. helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation

  2. <adj.all>
    the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in
    made a special effort to be accommodating
  3. obliging; willing to do favors

  4. <adj.all>
    made a special effort to be accommodating

Accommodating \Ac*com"mo*da`ting\, a.
Affording, or disposed to afford, accommodation; obliging; as
an accommodating man, spirit, arrangement.

Accommodate \Ac*com"mo*date\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Accommodated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Accommodating}.] [L.
accommodatus, p. p. of accommodare; ad + commodare to make
fit, help; con- + modus measure, proportion. See {Mode}.]
1. To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt; to
conform; as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances.
``They accommodate their counsels to his inclination.''

2. To bring into agreement or harmony; to reconcile; to
compose; to adjust; to settle; as, to accommodate
differences, a dispute, etc.

3. To furnish with something desired, needed, or convenient;
to favor; to oblige; as, to accommodate a friend with a
loan or with lodgings.

4. To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by
analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental
circumstances, statements to facts, etc.; as, to
accommodate prophecy to events.

Syn: To suit; adapt; conform; adjust; arrange.

  1. He believes the car market can bounce back if the government adopts a more accommodating attitude.
  2. He said his exchange won't be that concerned if the trading privileges are exclusively geared to accommodating basket trading.
  3. The new House and Senate leadership came in for criticism last month, even from their own party operatives, for seeming to be too accommodating with the president.
  4. The Navy had cracked Red with the help of an accommodating woman provided by the Office of Naval Intelligence who tarried in bed with Lt.
  5. Keenan says the IRS is taking "a fresh look" to see if installment deals can be made more accommodating.
  6. The company also said the late filing and the possible qualified opinion could be construed as a technical default under a bank loan agreement with Manufacturers Hanover Corp., but that the bank so far has been accommodating.
  7. The U.S. was more accommodating on the issue of submarines.
  8. "Basically, he was accommodating customers and that's a mitigating factor," said Sam Scott Miller, a New York securities lawyer. "It doesn't make it OK but it puts you in a different category than some of the culprits.
  9. The release stated that 'no other information about the NRO or this project has been declassified'. For Mr Woolsey, the emergence of the grandiose over-budget project, aimed at accommodating 3,000 NRO employees, is another embarrassment.
  10. Sources speculate that the Hunts might be attempting to reach a solution with banks that they may perceive to have been most accommodating in the loan negotiations.
  11. About the same time, vacationers discovered the island, with its clear, accommodating harbor and proximity to the popular resort town of Bar Harbor, 25 miles away by boat.
  12. He grew up in the business accommodating customers.
  13. The ACF said the group was dismayed but said it would want to ensure that Australia's remaining native forests and endangered species were protected, while accommodating the country's economic aspirations. 'It is necessary to do both.
  14. It vindicates the king's policy of accommodating Moslem fundamentalists in the political system rather than excluding them as in Algeria and Egypt.
  15. Its spiritual elder, Mordecai Chaim Rumkowski, was a very accommodating man, ensuring that his flock did exactly what the Nazis required of them, including satisfying the deportation quotas.
  16. "He will be replaced by a justice surely more inclined to augment the state's power to regulate abortions, more accommodating of religion and more dubious of affirmative action," said University of Virginia law professor A.E. Dick Howard.
  17. For months, Usdane has been accused by some lawmakers of being too accommodating toward Mecham's GOP administration.
  18. "What we need now is for the financial sector to take some steps to alleviate this credit crunch." But steps taken by the Bush administration will take time to persuade lenders to become more accommodating, he said.
  19. The board said it took the action in "an effort to be as accommodating as possible" to the buyout group.
  20. Water levels and pressure shift constantly, accommodating differences in wind direction, flow northward from Sudan, temperature and other factors.
  21. Some Republicans think that Mr. Greenspan may be more accommodating politically during next year's presidential campaign.
  22. Iraq seems prepared to be more accommodating about UN security council conditions on the sale of oil.
  23. What still rankles many Swedes was Riksbank's haste in accommodating the Soviets.
  24. The Fed raised rates for the fourth time in as many months because it felt monetary policy had been overly accommodating for too long.
  25. Brazil plans to present a more accommodating debt proposal to foreign banks tomorrow, though major differences remain.
  26. For instance, do federal officials acknowledge any responsibility for accommodating the capital-planning needs of these corporations?
  27. Oh, the Democrats were very accommodating, they will tell you, willing to include "modifications" of the president's growth initiatives in their proposal.
  28. In memos sent to George, he seemed intent on getting the most dignified title and highest salary, regardless of the nature of the work he was doing, and insisted on fitting assignments into his personal schedule rather than accommodating the company's.
  29. It also boasts that First will be far less accommodating to the wishes of advertisers.
  30. However, the factors may not be so accommodating.
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