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 Woolf [wulf]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    English author whose work used such techniques as stream of consciousness and the interior monologue; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1882-1941)

    1. Investors also reacted strongly to the resignation of One Price Clothing president Brian P. Woolf; the stock plummeted 3 5/8 to 10 1/8.
    2. Her sister, Virginia Woolf, wrote: 'Wissett seems to lull asleep all ambition - don't you think they have discovered the secret of life?'
    3. In the final week Brighton incorporates the Charleston Festival, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Virginia Woolf's death.
    4. Then Andrew McNeillie began to edit a complete edition of the essays of Virginia Woolf (including all her scattered book-reviews, many of which were originally anonymous).
    5. Yet apart from the interest of the women's movement in Virginia Woolf, there was a backlash against Bloomsbury in the '80s.
    6. "We still don't know what all the ramifications are," Woolf said. "But he seems to be coming along fine.
    7. Once the biological mechanisms are understood, pharmaceutical researchers can design drugs to block pain. 'This is an extremely lively time in pain research,' says Clifford Woolf, professor of neurobiology at University College London.
    8. She starred in "Butterfield 8," "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" and more than 50 other films.
    9. The memory of the abuse by Gerald when she was 6, for example, did not surface until Woolf was in her 50s.
    10. Mr. Baker is expected to join the Knoxville law firm of Baker, Worthington, Crossley, Stansberry & Woolf.
    11. Mike Page is Halpern and Woolf professor of accounting at the University of Portsmouth.
    12. "I'm outraged that they would have done something like this," she said. "I'm just happy that he's OK, that nothing's been damaged." Woolf would not comment on the possible source of the arsenic.
    13. Mr Geoff Woolf, general secretary, said proposals over the length of the working year had proved the sticking point.
    14. That could mean a royalties boom for heirs of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, for example. However, the directive should protect publishers and recording companies which rushed out special editions to coincide with the end of copyright protection.
    15. Lord Woolf, the Law Lord, is also conducting a review of the civil justice system for Lord Mackay, part of the purpose of which is to look at ways of improving access to justice and reducing the cost of going to court.
    16. But until now we have known very little about the Virginia Woolf who was sexually abused throughout her youth.
    17. Rubbing alcohol is normally about 70 percent isopropyl alcohol, which is much more toxic than ethanol, or drinking liquor, said Alan Woolf, director of the Massachusetts Poison Center at Children's Hospital in Boston.
    18. "That has nothing to do with me," she said in an interview. "That is completely Mr. (Edward) Albee and Elizabeth Taylor (playwright and star of the film `Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?'). I made nothing of it.
    19. Mr Woolf said any Natfhe action would be 'a strike against their intention to worsen our conditions'.
    20. It failed to work because the pace of operatic reflection is so much slower than that of Woolf's prose, and because, without the narrative voice to rush and connect and poeticise, what these people have to say is trivial.
    21. Lines are repeated and echoed at times with a sub-Gertude-Stein effect; non sequiturs and stream-of-consciousness changes of subject abound as if Albee were imitating effects from Anton Chekhov, Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett, and others.
    22. I went back to London and was hoping to take a revival of `Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' into the West End.
    23. Steven Woolf, scientific adviser to the Preventive Services Task Force, says he hasn't seen the report, but if it meets the task force's research criteria, it could alter the agency's position.
    24. In 1962, Edward Albee's searing four-character drama, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" opened on Broadway, with Uta Hagen as Martha and Arthur Hill as George.
    25. Such views are not only disputed by Lord Woolf, penal reformers, probation officers, social workers and some senior police officers and prison staff.
    26. The third European Theatre Festival opens at the Piccolo Teatro on Wednesday with Bob Wilson's Paris production of Virginia Woolf's 'Orlando'.
    27. Tammy Woolf Conneway of Bloommerry, W.Va., died in the flood, Flohr said.
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