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 Widmer 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Widmer)人名;(英、德)威德默

  1. "There's less metal available than the figures suggest ... If demand picks up then people could be scrambling for material," said Michael Widmer, analyst at Bank of America.
    "可供交易的铝比数据所表明的要少...如果需求上升,那麽人们可能会争相获取原料,"美国银行分析师Michael Widmer说.
  2. Swiss Finance Minister Widmer-Schlumpf was asked earlier this week by Swiss national TV station SF whether Mubarak or his family had any money in Switzerland, according to NPR.
    瑞士国家电视台 SF 在本周初曾就穆巴拉克或其家族是否有钱在瑞士一事询问过瑞士财政部长 Widmer-Schlumpf,据NPR报道。
  3. Swiss television quoted the country's justice minister, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, as saying she saw no reason to appeal the court's decision.
    瑞士电视台援引瑞士司法部长艾维琳•威德默-施伦普夫(Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf)的话说,她认为没有理由对法院的裁决提起上诉。

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