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 Ustilago maydis 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 玉蜀黍黑粉菌

    ustilago maydis
    [ noun ]
    a common smut attacking Indian corn causing greyish white swellings that rupture to expose a black spore mass

    Smut \Smut\, n. [Akin to Sw. smuts, Dan. smuds, MHG. smuz, G.
    schmutz, D. smet a spot or stain, smoddig, smodsig,
    smodderig, dirty, smodderen to smut; and probably to E.
    smite. See {Smite}, v. t., and cf. {Smitt}, {Smutch}.]
    1. Foul matter, like soot or coal dust; also, a spot or soil
    made by such matter.

    2. (Mining) Bad, soft coal, containing much earthy matter,
    found in the immediate locality of faults.

    3. (Bot.) An affection of cereal grains producing a swelling
    which is at length resolved into a powdery sooty mass. It
    is caused by parasitic fungi of the genus {Ustilago}.
    {Ustilago segetum}, or {U. Carbo}, is the commonest kind;
    that of Indian corn is {Ustilago maydis}.

    4. Obscene language; ribaldry; obscenity.

    He does not stand upon decency . . . but will talk
    smut, though a priest and his mother be in the room.

    {Smut mill}, a machine for cleansing grain from smut.

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