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 Ursuline ['ɜ:sjʊlain,-lin,-sə-]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乌尔苏拉会的修女

    Ursuline \Ur"su*line\, n. [Cf. F. ursuline.] (R. C. Ch.)
    One of an order of nuns founded by St. Angela Merici, at
    Brescia, in Italy, about the year 1537, and so called from
    St. Ursula, under whose protection it was placed. The order
    was introduced into Canada as early as 1639, and into the
    United States in 1727. The members are devoted entirely to

    Ursuline \Ur"su*line\, a.
    Of or pertaining to St. Ursula, or the order of Ursulines;
    as, the Ursuline nuns.

    1. Denny said he thus could not confirm a report that it was Sister Diana Ortiz of the Ursuline order, as reported in Kentucky.
    2. Ortiz, a native of Grants, N.M., is a member of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph, a religious community based near Owensboro.
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