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 Uganda [ju'gændə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乌干达

    [ noun ]
    a landlocked republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1962

    1. Mitchell said they will stop using the route again and any further supplies will be sent to Torit through Uganda.
    2. In October, the Rwandan army repulsed armed refugees attacking Rwanda from neighboring Uganda.
    3. Col. John Angelo Okello of the northern-based Uganda People's Democratic Army.
    4. Lukoya said his surrender was a sign the guerrilla warfare plaguing northern Uganda would soon end, according to Radio Uganda.
    5. Lukoya said his surrender was a sign the guerrilla warfare plaguing northern Uganda would soon end, according to Radio Uganda.
    6. The International Coffee Organization on Wednesday elected James Wapakabulo, Uganda's minister of cooperatives and marketing, as its chairman for 1989-90.
    7. Britain's opposition Labor Party opposes forcible repatriation. When lawmakers confronted Mrs. Thatcher with the issue Thursday, one of them reminded her of the outrage in Britain over the 1972 mass expulsion of Asians from Uganda.
    8. The rebels, mostly members of Rwanda's Tutsi ethnic minority, entered their homeland nearly three months ago from neighboring Uganda, where they had been living in exile.
    9. Britain is one of Uganda's main trading partners. Foreign investor interest has also come from a number of Ugandan Asians, who formed the backbone of the business community before their mass expulsion by Idi Amin in 1972.
    10. The French paratroopers were shooting, and the people coming from Uganda also were shooting," he said upon arrival in Paris. "In the hotel, there was panic, and the guests barricaded the windows with mattresses.
    11. The Sudan People's Liberation Army's clandestine radio said 300 government soldiers fled into Uganda on Friday when the guerrillas captured Ikotos, a town in eastern Equatorial Province 46 miles from the border.
    12. In Kampala, Uganda, Osende Odoi, general manager of the airline, said the aircraft had been modified to reduce noise and was returned to service earlier this year.
    13. Kayiira headed the Uganda Freedom Movement, a guerrilla group that fought alongside Museveni's National Resistance Army in a five-year bush war against civilian Presito mount a massive assault against Clover Mist.
    14. Other refugees have moved elsewhere in Uganda and some occupy senior positions in President Yoweri Museveni's government, especially the army.
    15. The foreign ministers of Burundi, Uganda and Mali spoke out against South Africa on Monday, the beginning of the third week of General Assembly debate.
    16. British American Tobacco in Uganda subjects its workforce, or even prospective employees, to blood tests.
    17. The U.S. committee reported only about 280,000 voluntary repatriati for the year, tto Uganda and Burundi in southern Africa.
    18. Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana told a news conference Wednesday that fourteen civilians had been killed in fighting between his troops and Rwandan exiles who invaded from Uganda on Sept. 30.
    19. The newspaper said the fighting was in the countryside around Kumi, a trading town 300 miles from Uganda's capital, Kampala.
    20. Ms. Lakwena, believed to be 28, was born to an Anglican clergyman and his wife in northern Uganda.
    21. The choir is touring the nation to raise money to help build and support orphanages and schools in Uganda.
    22. The latest release would leave an estimated 1,730 political prisoners still in Uganda's prisons.
    23. Uganda is concerned with the growing trade in chimpanzees and rare birds.
    24. Yet Mr. Lutaaya defies this prognosis by getting up, recording what would become a hit song about AIDS, and then making the arduous journey back to Uganda.
    25. Nearly 100,000 Tutsi refugees have lived in Uganda since the late 1950s and early 1960s after fleeing massacres by the majority Hutu tribe.
    26. The first roses will be ready for export in October. Launching a business in Uganda, however, is not for the faint-hearted. 'You have to be prepared to be completely autonomous and self-sustaining,' Mr Bartoli warns.
    27. More than 180 rebels were killed in a battle in northern Uganda and up to 1,600 people arrested in counter-insurgency operations, the minister of state for defence said.
    28. Uganda, for example, closed its Tokyo office last August and now covers Japan from Beijing.
    29. The food is being ferried from neighboring Uganda, Kenya and northern Sudan to be distributed equally in areas held by the government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army.
    30. Habyarimana denied reports from Rwandan exiles that his soldiers had indiscriminantly fired on civilians and killed more than 1,000 people in 10 villages on the border with Uganda.
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