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 UMF 添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. 均匀磁场(uniform magnetic field)

  1. The slot, for example, can be a directory in a file system, where an external system transfers UMF files for ingestion.
    例如,数据槽可以是文件系统中的一个目录,外部系统在该目录中传输要摄入的 UMF 文件。
  2. UMF file names can have a naming convention so the selectors can work on a known format and selections made on file names are consistent.
    UMF 文件名称具有一种命名约定,这样选择器就能基于已知的格式对文件名做出一致的选择。
  3. Managing the priorities for several UMF files from a number of data sources can be a complicated and error-prone task if performed manually.
    如果手动执行,管理来自多个数据源的几个 UMF 文件的优先级可能是一个复杂而且易于出错的任务。

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