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 Trevor   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Last season was highlighted by major revivals of Shakespeare's "Othello," directed by Trevor Nunn, and Henrik Ibsen's "The Master Builder," starring John Wood.
    2. Defense attorney P. Wilson argued that Trevor Tutu made the bomb threat to test security at Jan Smuts Airport and said the sentence was "shocking" for a first-time offender.
    3. On Sunday we had Jack's Last Tape, an autobiographical tape made casually in his last days by Jack Trevor Story, the successful hack writer - nothing much that he had not told us already, it just had that Story label in it.
    4. A troubled musical that never made it to Broadway is getting a second chance in London, counting on the Midas touch of director Trevor Nunn.
    5. Clever Trevor's shot depended on his getting far enough ahead to negate Easy Goer's stretch drive, but that was not to be.
    6. Trevor Nunn's riveting RSC staging of this great, imperfect, ambiguous and infinitely rewarding play has now reached London after a national tour.
    7. Trevor Page of the U.N. World Food Program said today that Chinese officials told him 200,000 people were homeless from the quake, twice as many as previously reported.
    8. "It was a close shave," said Maj. Trevor Hayes, a police spokesman.
    9. I discerned this by listening to Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, then Bishop of Masasi, some 30 years ago.
    10. The business, based in Acton, west London, provides catering services to airlines and airport caterers. The buy-out is led by Mr Trevor Stephens.
    11. In addition to his scheduled fights, Reitman has sparred with such notables as Michael Nunn, the middleweight champion, and heavyweight contenders Trevor Berbick and Alex Stewart.
    12. Trevor Cass has been appointed to the new position of chief operating officer at BZW Futures, a division of BARCLAYS BANK.
    13. Andy, Billy and Trevor are scions of Kosher Nostra: Jewish dynasties surrounded by ill-gotten heirlooms and by only-begotten heirs who want all that and more.
    14. The movie, based on the book by James Fox and directed by Michael Radford, also stars Charles Dance, Greta Scacchi and the late Trevor Howard.
    15. A further 900 inactive Names will become the responsibility of a new run-off company. Mr Trevor Bradley, managing director, said Knightstone wanted to focus on the UK domestic insurance market through its six managed syndicates.
    16. This is the achievement of Trevor Scott, a New Zealander who until recently worked as a medical researcher in a London hospital.
    17. Occupancy ranged from 30 per cent in January to 45 per cent in April. Mr Trevor Forecast, owner of the Congham Hall Country House Hotel in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, says business travel has fallen away sharply.
    18. But by the end of 1987, total deposits in Gibraltar could exceed $800 million, predicts Trevor Robinson, a former Manufacturers Hanover executive in London who is setting up a subsidiary here for Republic National Bank of New York.
    19. Trevor Harrison, 54, who spent 28 years with ICI, has been appointed a non-executive director of Croda International, the speciality chemicals group.
    20. She died last year, also suddenly, of septicaemia and Sir Trevor has taken up her place on the board of the National Youth Theatre.
    21. Turnover grew by 29 per cent to Pounds 1.18bn (Pounds 910.7m). Sir Trevor Chinn, chairman and chief executive, said this underlying profit improvement reflected the encouraging growth in the UK car and track markets.
    22. John Trevor "Jack" Scholl, a songwriter who wrote such hits as "Loving You the Way I Do" and "Making Love, Mountain Style," died March 25 at age 85.
    23. The fewer musicians there are on stage, the more it seems there will be in the audience. At the all-Mozart Prom on Wednesday a capacity audience greeted Trevor Pinnock and his modestly-sized English Concert.
    24. This time I admire Trevor Nunn's direction even more because he has kept the play virtually as enchanting with a new and generally inferior cast.
    25. David Steels, marine manager with Sun Alliance International, and Trevor Hart, Lloyd's underwriter, have been appointed chairman and deputy chairman of the SALVAGE ASSOCIATION.
    26. Trevor Bell, Shrum Liddle's chairman, said the merger was made possible when the British Columbia Supreme Court recently overturned provincial legislation that barred local lawyers from entering into partnerships with firms outside the province.
    27. "It was more related to the technical market factors and the earthquake was a catalyst to create movement," said Trevor Woodland, chief corporate trader for Harris Trust & Co. in Chicago.
    28. 'Trevor could be very hard on them (the sales force),' he recalls.
    29. Also stylish are "O" names that "almost seem to grin" (Cosmo, Otto, Waldo) and "RAF pilot names" (Basil, Nigel, Trevor).
    30. Mr Trevor May, insurance specialist at Nomura, said the shares looked good value, pointing out the asset backing of 450p a share. Guinness sold In the drinks sector, Guinness fell 27 to 575p on turnover of 4.1m.
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