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 Trenton ['trentən]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    capital of the state of New Jersey; located in western New Jersey on the Delaware river

    1. Born in Trenton, N.J., Smith lives in Tuftonboro.
    2. It is also acquiring Trenton Group, an exhibitions company. Mr Brian Gilbert, MBC chairman until he resigned in November 1990 after disagreements with the late Mr Robert Maxwell, is buying 25 industrial titles based in Kent.
    3. It was secure," said John Clarke, a Trenton, N.J., architect.
    4. In Ohio, thunderstorms produced an inch of rain in half an hour in Fairfield, 1.75 inches of rain in 20 minutes at Wayne, and 1.7 inches of rain in 20 minutes at Trenton.
    5. They are picking up a Canadian army signals unit in Trenton, Ontario.
    6. Dr. Manuel C. Palao alleges in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Trenton that his 13-year-old son Michael became addicted to drugs and alcohol at Lawrenceville School.
    7. In New Jersey's GOP race, Courter stuck to his theme that he alone was not from the state capital of Trenton, and did not participate in creating the state's automobile insurance and budget problems.
    8. The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly had asked Trenton to accept the visit in late October, but Mayor Douglas Palmer refused because of the remarks last month by Justice Minister Seiroku Kajiyama, Kyodo News Service reported.
    9. Thomas J. Martello, a newsman in the Trenton bureau of The Associated Press, was promoted to correspondent in charge of the bureau Aug. 22.
    10. The Federal Communications Commission will let the companies experiment with the service in Philadelphia; Trenton, N.J.; Baltimore; West Palm Beach, Fla.; Indianapolis; and Los Angeles, all cities where Comcast operates cable systems.
    11. Jo Astrid Glading will become correspondent in charge of the Trenton bureau, and Melanie L. Burney will become correspondent in Woodbury.
    12. According to the suit, filed in New Jersey Superior Court in Trenton, ERISA explicitly "does not mandate that employers provide any particular benefits."
    13. Martello, 33, joined the AP in Trenton in 1988.
    14. The 17,000-ton Trenton sailed through the Strait of Hormuz hours earlier to join the Middle East Force, the Navy's flotilla in the gulf.
    15. Robert Germer, a real estate appraiser in Trenton, N.J., owns two Toshiba printers for personal computers.
    16. The bus was carrying 64 children between Newton and Trenton and was en route to the Lewiston Elementary School when the driver was distracted by a child asking a question, Hansen said.
    17. The funding depends on several conditions, including an agreement on reorganization of Trenton District Energy's debt and an agreement by Trenton District Energy's partners on a reduction in their equity participation.
    18. The funding depends on several conditions, including an agreement on reorganization of Trenton District Energy's debt and an agreement by Trenton District Energy's partners on a reduction in their equity participation.
    19. On Christmas 1776, Washington was able to navigate the ice-clogged river in darkness and surprise British troops camped at Trenton, N.J. About 1,000 Hessian mercenaries on the British side were captured and 100 were wounded or killed.
    20. The elder Mr. Zeiger laid an important foundation for the restaurant's success in 1985 when, as head of the Trenton Chamber of Commerce, he began a sister-city agreement with the Lenin District of Moscow.
    21. Martello joined the AP in Trenton in 1988.
    22. Florio was the clear target at Sunday's anti-tax rally, organized by six private citizens with the help of a Trenton talk-radio station that publicized the event.
    23. Larry Vaden, an individual investor and longtime student of the stock market in Trenton, Texas, says he is planning to invest more aggressively because the midterm election indicator gives him confidence.
    24. Bey is one of 29 people on death row in Trenton State Prison.
    25. In the capital of New Jersey, cars will return to part of Trenton Commons.
    26. Across the state, county Freeholder Douglas Palmer scored a close victory over Mayor Carmen Armenti, apparently becoming Trenton's first black mayor.
    27. Shelley Zeiger of Trenton, N.J., hopes for trade advances that will help him capitalize on his plans for establishing mobile pizza vans around Moscow.
    28. His first real job was as a teen-ager at the Trenton Free Public Library, which also served as one of 12 regional depositories for patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office.
    29. The GM pact is part of a settlement of government charges that the nation's largest automaker violated safety and health rules at plants in Trenton, N.J., and Oklahoma City, Okla. GM will pay $360,000 in fines for the alleged violations.
    30. Resignation also can lead to rebellion, as the United Auto Workers found in Trenton, Mich., last year.
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